Monday, December 30, 2019

Big Five Personality Inventory - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2084 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/09/16 Category Psychology Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Personality Essay Did you like this example? QUESTION 1: In contemporary psychology, the Big Five Personality Inventory of personality are five broad domains or dimensions of personality which are used to describe human personality. The Big five factors are Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. The Big Five structure was derived from statistical analyses of which traits tend to co-occur in peoples descriptions of themselves or other people. The underlying correlations are probabilistic, and exceptions are possible. For example, talkativeness and assertiveness are both traits associated with Extraversion, but they do not go together by logical necessity: you could imagine somebody that is assertive but not talkative. However, many studies indicate that people who are talkative are usually also assertive, which is why they go together under the broader Extraversion factor. Conscientiousness is a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement. The trait shows a preference for planned rather than spontaneous behavior. It influences the way in which we control, regulate, and direct our impulses. Conscientiousness includes the factor known as Need for Achievement. Other than that, common features of this dimension include high levels of thoughtfulness, with good impulse control and goal-directed behaviors. Those high in conscientiousness tend to be organized and mindful of details. In my Personality Test, Conscientiousness is the lowest rate compares to other personality. This is maybe causes by my laziness attitude and don’t like well-planned. I like to be an easy person, don’t like to get screw up with those rules and regulations. This probably leads the conscientiousness to get the lowest rate. Extraversion is characterized by positive emotions, surgency, and the tendency to seek out stimulation and the company of others. The trait is marked by pronounced engagement with the external world. Extraverts tend to enjoy human interactions and to be enthusiastic, talkative, assertive, and gregarious. They take pleasure in activities that involve large social gatherings, such as parties, community activities, public demonstrations, and business or political groups. Politics, teaching, sales, managing, brokering, and acting are fields that favor extraversion. An extraverted person is likely to enjoy time spent with people and find less reward in time spent alone. They tend to be energized when around other people, and they are more prone to boredom when they are by themselves. In my Personality Test, I’ve found that I got the moderate rate for my extraversion personality means I’m not really an extraversion type of person. Somehow I’ll be quiet to strangers, less talkative and if I feel I don’t want to talk and I’ll just sit at a corner and do my own thing. It’s depending on the situation that I face. Openness to Experience is a general app reciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety of experience. The trait distinguishes imaginative people from down-to-earth, conventional people. People who are open to experience are intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty. They tend to be, compared to closed people, more creative and more aware of their feelings. They are more likely to hold unconventional beliefs. This personality got the 2nd ranking in my Personality Test. I like to learn something new, hope can get more knowledge and open my mind to try something that I have never tried before. I think this is the reason I get the higher score in this personality trait. Agreeableness  is a tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others. It’s also tends to be pleasure and accommodating in social situation. This personality dimension includes attributes such as trust, altruism, kindness, affecti on, and other prosocial behavior. According to the contemporary  personality psychology, agreeableness is one of the  five major dimensions  of personality structure, reflecting individual differences in concern for cooperation and social harmony. People who score high on this dimension are empathetic, considerate, friendly, generous, helpful and more sensitive to the needs and perspectives of others. They also have an optimistic  view of  human nature. They tend to believe that most people are honest, decent, and trustworthy. Agreeable people also have an optimistic view of human nature. They believe people are basically honest, decent, and trustworthy. I got the highest score in this personality because of my empathiness and I’m a friendly person. I like to hang out with my friends and willing to do everything as long as I capable to doing so and I can felt the feeling of my friend or people around me. Emotional stability also calls as neuroticism. Neurotici sm  is a fundamental personality  trait  in the study of  psychology. Individuals high in this trait tend to experience emotional instability, anxiety, moodiness, irritability, and sadness. People who are get high score at neuroticism part they will more respond to environmental  stress because they easily will fall at depressed mood. It also a risk factor for mental disorder such as phobia, panic disorder and other disorder. If relative to people who get low score at neuroticism part, they are more emotionally stable and less reactive to stress. I got the highest score in this personality same as agreeableness. But in my opinion, I don’t perceive myself as an emotionally unstable person. I can well manage the stress and cope it easily. I don’t get anger easily and I always calm down when I was almost lost my temper. So I don’t think myself as a emotionally unstable person. Summarize all the result I get in this Personality Test, I’ve foun d that I’m more to agreeableness personality. I’m an easy person, I can make the people that mixed with me feels calm and comfortable. I don’t like to show my temper in front of my friends because it’ll be irritating and spoil the ease situation. Besides that, even though I’m more to emotional unstability, but I’m a forgiving person and I don’t like to remember what are the bad things that happened on me in the past. I’ll always find a suitable way to reduce my stress and manage it well. More than that, I like to open myself to experiences. This personality let me gain more knowledge because I open my mind and accept new things, and not as a conventional type of person don’t like to experiences new things. According to my result, I’m just a normal extraversion person. I like to talk but seldom to strangers, I felt a little bit weird to talk to a stranger not like a real extraversion person, they can talk to any one of any topic. At the last, the lowest score of my personality trait is conscientiousness. Among the Big Five, conscientiousness had the strongest positive correlation with job performance and training performance. Not surprisingly, entrepreneurs score high on conscientiousness. But this does not means that I cannot be an entrepreneur. As long as I work harder and get more training, maybe I can also become an entrepreneur. I have a friend which is a bookworm and seldom mixed around with others. According to his result in the Big Five Personality Test, I’ve found that there are some similarities and differences between two of us. The similar personalities are onscientiousness and emotional stability. Both of us share the same personalities because we not a well planned person, we don’t organized and we like to follow our flow rather than a schedule. We tend to share the same emotional stability personality because we both get the highest score in the Personality T est. The differences of our personality are dominant, which are openness to experience, extraversion and agreeableness. My friend doesn’t like to experience new things because he’s a conventional person. He do not seeks new experience and have a narrow range of interest. Other than that, he is easily to express irritation with others. He lost temper easily and don’t care other’s feeling at all. He likes to be a loner and do his own thing without other disturbance. He’s quite an introversion person. He seldom to makes friend and more concerned with the inner world of the mind. He enjoys thinking, exploring his thoughts and feelings. He often avoids social situations because being around people drains his energy. In conclusion, each of us is unique. Even though we have the same personality traits stated above, but it doesn’t means that we are exactly the same as the results. Although this is not so accurate to measures the exact personal ity, it also can give us a guideline to let us know what are the personality traits that might have in ourselves. QUESTION 2: This â€Å"Fostering Leadership† is about identifying the problems that leaders facing and the solutions for that particular problems. Business landscape won’t stay still and is changing from time to time because of the economy, environmental degradation, social concerns, and ever-evolving technologies. So it is important for leaders to understand the changes and solve the problems otherwise they will falter or fail. The 1st issue stated in the article is Work/Family issue and leadership, and how diversity in the workforce and work/family issue impact the workplace. Recent study found that allowed woman to stay on partner track or maintain full partner status during maternity leave was much more successful in retaining its talented women than its competitors. Apart from that, the flexibility of working time helped that firm in its retention. This is because the employee feels the job satisfaction and loyal to the company, which contribute to retention. The 2nd issue is Enterprise-Level Thinking. Leaders need to think ever more roadly about what their leadership challenge is. As a leader, need to keep looking at what’s driving change and what is ongoing. The 3rd issue is Sustainability. If a leader posses self-awareness and adaptability and merge them successfully, then will likely be a good leader. More than that, If he/she can juggle the triple bottom line which is economy, environment and social impact, then he/she will have a broad set of competencies that will make he/she more competitive in the market. The 4th issue is Authenticity. Leader should treats everyone like family and the problem take care of themselves. Leader cannot be ego or hubris because this end up failing the company and eventually themselves. Without authenticity, it’s all for show and no longer relationship. After reading this ar ticle, I found that the leadership in chapter 16 of the text book, Organizational Behavior is related to the article above. It’s all concern about leadership development, what should a leader acts, and what are the criteria that a leader need. For example: leader should be more enterprise-level thinking who recognize cultural differences, and who can adapt to local market/ political/ banking/ distribution conditions. Leadership not just enhances a company’s leadership capabilities to deal with the current recession, it also positions organizations for success once the economy turns around. This can be adapted from the following sentences: increased commitment to create and deliver real value to customers, employees, and shareholders and recognizing that sustainability is a core element of that value proposition. Apart from that, I’ve found that the work/family issue is related to the chapter 6, Work versus Family Life Conflict. Work-family conflict can tak e two distinct forms: work interference with family and family interference with work. From the article, if a leader can balancing the time between workplace and family, it seems can help the company in its retention and maybe will lead to more stable homes as well. In my opinion, leadership is important to all organizations. An organization cannot survive without a leader. This is because leadership involves mentoring, coaching, inspiring, motivating, build teams, generate cohesion, resolve conflicts at the group level and finally build culture and generate change at the organization level. So it’s important to foster leadership within an organization to manage and lead the whole organization. This article is very useful to all of us so that we know how to overcome the conflicts in leadership. On the other hand, this article didn’t state clearly the personality that a leader should have in an organization. A group of people tend to have common personality traits so as a group of leaders. They might have common personality traits but it does not state in this article. Overall, this article is a good article and we can adapt it into fostering a leadership in an organization. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Big Five Personality Inventory" essay for you Create order

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay about Walt Whitman as a Voice for the People

Walt Whitman as a Voice for the People The proof of a poet is that his country absorbs him as much as he absorbs his country. This brilliant quote from Walt Whitman thus ends his preface to Leaves of Grass, and thereafter begins the poem Song of Myself. To many, upon their first reading, this was a crude, shocking and distasteful piece of work. but to me...this was a celebration of life. And not just a celebration of his own life, but of every life, of the American life. Walt Whitman is the voice of the people and this I believe because, while he did write of things that were not seen as aesthetically beautiful by many...including homosexuality, loneliness, and death. And while these topics were not picturesque to†¦show more content†¦You shall not look through my eyes either.... You shall listen to all sides and filter them from yourself. (lines 27-29) I love this line, because ità ­s actually telling people that ità ­s okay to think for yourself. I believe that, here, we can see the coming out of him. Heà ­s speaking for the people...asking them to finally stand taller and think for themselves. This is what I interpreted this line as. Something else that struck me while reading Song of Myself and some of the criticisms on it, was what I like to call The shock factor. I call it this because when this was published, America didnà ­t have much of an identify. It was vast, and searching. Whitmanà ­s poetry seemed to encompass everyone and everything through it. But whats ironic about this is, while Whitman stood as the American voice, finally speaking refreshingly and truthfully...many rejected him. People thought that his style was way to different from what they were used to, and did not understand Whitman. And heaven forbid, his meter was irregular, and his verses did not rhyme! Even Thoreau said It is as if the beasts sp oke. But what came as more of a shock to people was his unleashing of things that were just plain never talked about. Whitman was most certainly one of the first to talk of sexuality, homosexual relationships, lust, and desire, and the more sensual parts of the human body. Although I can see how those whoShow MoreRelatedEssay about Walt Whitman Changes the Face of Literature1035 Words   |  5 PagesWalt Whitman Changes the Face of Literature When Walt Whitman published the first edition of Leaves of Grass it was received with a wide variety of reactions. From critics to fellow poets the reactions to his first volume were often admiring, but also dubious. This pattern continued with each of the six editions of Leaves. Many wondered where this 36 year-old poet of the people came from. The very way he presented his first volume of poetry was controversial. Whitman presentedRead MoreSong of Myself by Walt Whitmas Essay1045 Words   |  5 PagesMost people awake to a daily routine, in which they keep eyes dazed staring at the pavement they walk on yet so easily ignore. Usually, these same people go about their business with no more than a passing glance towards their fellow man. However, there is an enigmatic few that are more than mere pawns in the game of existence. They are passionate spectators who take in their surroundings with every sense. They rejoice in the vastness of the electric crowd and become one with it. By all means, theseRead More An Annotation of Section 24 of Walt Whitmans Song of Myself1354 Words   |  6 PagesAn Annotation of Section 24 of Walt Whitmans Song of Myself Walt Whitmans Song of Myself is a vision of the American spirit, a vision of Whitman himself. It is his cry for democracy, giving each of us a voice through his poetry. 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Walt Whitman met Emerson’s ideal artist description as he spoke as one man for the multitude in his poem, â€Å"Song of Myself†, which openly demonstrates Whitman’s faith in the imperative indivisibility of self-reliance. He shares many of the same ideas as EmersonRead MoreWhat Made Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson Part of the Romantic Movement?745 Words   |  3 Pages What Made Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson Part of the Romantic Movement? The Romantic Movement, or period, was from the year 1828 to about 1865. The main feature of the American Romantic period was the celebration and praise of individualism. This time is also considered to be the first period of genuine American creativity. Emotion, instead of reason, became the largest source of inspiration and creativity during this period. All of this was a reaction to all of the constraints that were

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Killing Lincoln Essay Free Essays

Mr.. Fallopian Essay Killing Lincoln The novel, Killing Lincoln, and author Bill Reilly have been berated by critics and reviewers due to its historical inaccuracies implanted throughout the read. We will write a custom essay sample on The Killing Lincoln Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many are turned off by the false information given yet there are others who enjoy it because it adds a little kick to the book. Am one of those who believe that even though there are a plethora of errors in the novel, it is an enjoyable read. The novel is an enjoyable and entertaining read, yet there are a vast number ho do not believe so. Killing Lincoln has been banned from one Of the Ford’s Theatre bookstores while the others still continue to sell it (Horopito). In my opinion, feel that is a little absurd. Reilly states that there were several meetings held in the oval office before the oval office was even constructed. Yes that is incorrect because it was not constructed until the Taft administration, but it is a minor detail. It does not take away from the bigger picture and importance of why the book was written in the first place. His next mistake was citing that the Ford Theatre was burned in 1 862 instead of 1861. Does one year make that big of a difference to all those historians out there? The peephole in the state box door was carved by Harry Ford, manager of the Ford’s Theatre, not Booth but by stating that Booth had carved the peephole, it keeps the readers on their toes and more interested. It spices things up. That’s what books are meant to do. Attract and hook readers into the novel. That was Reality’s goal. Not to just write another story book, but to write one that could be informational while entertaining at the same time even though that means making the slightest mistakes to keep it entertaining. Reilly has many people attacking him for his errors. Christian Science Monitor’s Jackie Hogan ambushes Reilly because she believes that he made Lincoln look like too good of a person instead of speaking the truth about him to make a good story. She says the book is â€Å"sensationalists, suggestive, and overly simplistic† (Horopito). Oriel’s purpose of the book was to write a good story and through extrapolating his novel became more compelling. If he were to include all of the facts about Lincoln, his book would be no different than any other novels on Lincoln, Booth and the assassination. I believe Reilly and Martin Dugan did an excellent job writing this novel. Besides the minor inaccuracies, the novel is a very entertaining and an eye opening read. That was their intention when they first started to write the book and that is, in my opinion, what they did. How to cite The Killing Lincoln Essay, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Social Media Marketing Strategy of Teddy-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Social Media Marketing Strategy of Teddy Bear Ship in Singapore. Answer: Introduction In the current business scenario, social media marketing is one of the most effective modes of promotion and marketing for the contemporary business organizations. This is due to the reason that, internet is having huge market penetration around the world and with the revolution of smartphones, a major sections of the current generation is being active in the social media[1]. Thus, contemporary business organizations are more opting for social media marketing in order to target the major sections of the customers. Moreover, with the initiation of the social media marketing, business organizations are being able to determine the market requirement and change in the taste and preference pattern of the customers[2]. This is due to the reason that, social media marketing involves two way communications between the customers and the organizations. It engages the customers to share their opinions and feedback to the organizations and enables the organizations to modify the offerings accord ingly. This report will discuss about the social media marketing strategy of the teddy bear shop in Singapore. Competitive analysis between the major players in the social media will also be discussed in this report. Along with this, goals, strategies and target market policies regarding the social media marketing of them will also be discussed. Implementation strategies along with the monitoring and evaluation strategies will also be discussed in this report. Budget and return on investment for them the social media marketing will also be discussed. Social media presence As discussed earlier, social media is having huge market penetration in the current global scenario due to the revolution in internet facility and availability of cheap smartphones around the world[3]. Thus, with the initiation of the internet facilities, more sections of global population is active in the social media and the growth of entering in the social media is increasing rapidly. One of the key reasons for social media channels to gain huge popularity is the facility of personalized interactions with one another. With the help of the social media, more people are getting connected from around the world. Thus, it provides huge opportunities for the contemporary business organizations to reach out to this population by interacting with the customers directly and determining their feedback[4]. Major players in this sector include Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, which constitute the major market share of the social media around the world. The following sections will discuss about the competitive analysis of these players in order to determine the most effective one for the social media marketing. Competitive analysis Particulars Facebook Twitter YouTube Followers 968 million active users on a daily basis. 1.49 billion Active users on a monthly basis. 844 million are the mobile users[5]. 316 million users or followers on a daily basis. 80 percent users are the mobile users. YouTube do not require creation of accounts by the users. However, still they are having more than 1 billion active users on a monthly basis. Sentiments of the followers Users in the Facebook remain active on more casual basis without being interacting with anyone. However, the photos and statuses being shared by the users are one of the key determinants of taste and preference pattern. Facebook is popular more among the teenagers compared to older age groups. Users in the Twitter are more active compared to the Facebook. This is due to the reason that, Twitter is more closed format compared to the Facebook. Here, users follows each other and provides feedback on any posts. Twitter is having same penetration among the teenage groups and the middle age groups. YouTube is not having any chatting portal like the Twitter and facebook. Users in the YouTube subscribes different channels and watch videos of their choice. It is more like online video portal than a chatting portal. Chance of interaction among the stakeholders is less. However, the comments being given by the users are one of the key sources of gathering information regarding the market. Rate of corporate posts Due to the fact that, Facebook is having more number of penetrations in the market, thus the number of corporate posts is more in this medium. According to various reports, more than 1 million posts are being added in facebook on a daily basis. Twitter is having less number of active users compared to the facebook, but they provide more reliable and authentic return on investment due to the fact that, users are more active in Twitter compared to facebook. It is being reported that, on a daily basis, more than 20000 new official posts are being added in the portal. As earlier discussed, YouTube is not having any system of creation of valid accounts of the users. Thus, the medium of posting is to post video on the portal, which will be given feedback by the users. On a daily basis, more than 10000 advertisement videos are being added in the portal. Feedback Due to having the highest number of active users, generation of feedback is also more compared to other social media platforms[6]. However, the feedback in the facebook ranges from serious and authentic opinions from casual and offensive feedback. Thus, the huge data is being generated from the facebook but the rate of authenticity is less. As earlier discussed, Twitter is having more reliable and active users in their portal. In addition, the market penetration of twitter among the middle age group is more compared to the facebook. Thus, the feedback being generated from twitter is more authentic and reliable compared to facebook. Moreover, the feedback generated from twitter is having more singular approach compared to twitter. Though, compared to twitter and facebook, YouTube is having less active users. However, they are having one of the most reliable form of generation of feedback from the users. In posting the advertisement video in the portal, advertisers gather the feedback by the form of comments accumulated in the portal. The rate of comments of the users is less compared to other two medium, but feedback from YouTube is having more authenticity and reliability. Moreover, the comments being given by the users are majorly directed towards the video being posted. Average response time to feedback In the case of facebook, the average response time is less compared to the twitter and YouTube. According to various reports, the average response time in facebook is 5 minutes per post. In the major cases, organizations opting for social media marketing in facebook are having separate and dedicated social media cell. In the case of twitter, the average response time is more than facebook. According to reports, average response time in twitter is 15 minutes. Moreover, the probability of giving response in twitter is less compared to facebook. In the case of YouTube, the probability of providing response is least compared to other two mediums. This is due to the reason that, marketing through YouTube is mostly being limited to posting the video in the portal. Figure: 1 Demography profile of Facebook[7] Figure: 2 Demography profile of Twitter[8] Goals To generate positive word of mouth among the potential customers. To generate at least 10 percent of the investment as the return of investment form the social media marketing. To create minimum of 1 million of active users or followers in the social media platform. Strategies The social media strategy will be to target the teenage population due to the reason that, the target customers of teddy bear shop will be the younger generation. Thus, the social media marketing will be implemented in such a way that, it will have holistic impact on the target market[9]. Moreover, the strategy will be to involve all the available social media platforms in targeting the customers. Target market The target market of the teddy bear shop will be the younger generation consists of both the genders[10]. However, due to the reason that age group under 15 are not active in the social media, thus, the target market will be the young couples and parents, who will be interested in having soft toys for their children[11]. Tools HootSuite Hubspot MeetEdgar TweetDeck Buffer Sprout Social Implementation A separate and dedicated media cell will be formed, which will look after the social media marketing of the teddy shop[12]. Their responsibility will include designing and posting videos in the YouTube and sharing those in the official page in facebook and twitter. Thus, all the customers in every social media platforms can be targeted. Moreover, the type of response that will be given to the users in facebook and twitter will also be handled by this media cell. Content development Content is an important part for the media cell due to the reason that, content will be the message, which will be communicated to the potential customers and which will be seen by them. Thus, the content should be free of plagiarism and should be innovative, attractive and informative, which will enable the customers to gain the basic understanding of the product. Assignments will also be promoted by the media cell, which will include initiation of occasional and seasonal offers and discounts and wishing the followers for the same. Monitoring and tracking Monitoring and evaluation process will also be implemented in the organization in order to determine the effectiveness of the social media marketing. One of the key indicators will be the rate of response of the users[13]. The more response of the customers will denote that they are interested in the products and vice versa. Evaluation Moreover, the responses of the users regarding the advertisement in the social media will also being determined, which will help to understand the effectiveness. It will be evaluated whether the responses are positive or not. Social media monitoring tool The above discussed monitoring tools will be used to track and measure the effectiveness of the social media marketing of the organization. These tools will help to track the return from the social media marketing. Tuning Tuning is important due to the reason that, social media platforms are having huge number of users including both wanted and unwanted data. Thus, tuning will help to filter out the unwanted data and focusing only on the required leads. Budget Refer to attached excel file Return on investment Refer to attached excel file References Al-Debei, M.M., Al-Lozi, E. and Papazafeiropoulou, A., 2013. Why people keep coming back to Facebook: Explaining and predicting continuance participation from an extended theory of planned behaviour perspective.Decision support systems,55(1), pp.43-54. Baker, M.J., 2014.Marketing strategy and management. Palgrave Macmillan. Couldry, N., 2012.Media, society, world: Social theory and digital media practice. Polity. De Vries, L., Gensler, S. and Leeflang, P.S., 2012. Popularity of brand posts on brand fan pages: An investigation of the effects of social media marketing.Journal of interactive marketing,26(2), pp.83-91. Gerbaudo, P., 2012.Tweets and the streets: Social media and contemporary activism. Pluto Press. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary Strategy Analysis Text Only. John Wiley Sons. Jackson, D, "Facebook vs. Twitter: Which Is Best for Your Brand.". inSprout Social, , 2017, [accessed 27 November 2017]. Kakihara, M., 2014. Grasping a Global View of Smartphone Diffusion: An Analysis from a Global Smartphone Study. InICMB(p. 11). Macnamara, J. and Zerfass, A., 2012. Social media communication in organizations: The challenges of balancing openness, strategy, and management.International Journal of Strategic Communication,6(4), pp.287-308. Proctor, E.K., Powell, B.J. and McMillen, J.C., 2013. Implementation strategies: recommendations for specifying and reporting.Implementation Science,8(1), p.139. Rumelt, R.P., 2012. Good strategy/bad strategy: The difference and why it matters.Strategic Direction,28(8). van Dam, J.W. and van de Velden, M., 2015. Online profiling and clustering of Facebook users.Decision Support Systems,70, pp.60-72. Gerbaudo, P., 2012.Tweets and the streets: Social media and contemporary activism. Pluto Press. Couldry, N., 2012.Media, society, world: Social theory and digital media practice. Polity. Kakihara, M., 2014. Grasping a Global View of Smartphone Diffusion: An Analysis from a Global Smartphone Study. InICMB(p. 11). De Vries, L., Gensler, S. and Leeflang, P.S., 2012. Popularity of brand posts on brand fan pages: An investigation of the effects of social media marketing.Journal of interactive marketing,26(2), pp.83-91. Al-Debei, M.M., Al-Lozi, E. and Papazafeiropoulou, A., 2013. Why people keep coming back to Facebook: Explaining and predicting continuance participation from an extended theory of planned behaviour perspective.Decision support systems,55(1), pp.43-54. van Dam, J.W. and van de Velden, M., 2015. Online profiling and clustering of Facebook users.Decision Support Systems,70, pp.60-72. D Jackson, "Facebook vs. Twitter: Which Is Best for Your Brand", inSprout Social, , 2017, [accessed 27 November 2017]. D Jackson, "Facebook vs. Twitter: Which Is Best for Your Brand", inSprout Social, , 2017, [accessed 27 November 2017]. Macnamara, J. and Zerfass, A., 2012. Social media communication in organizations: The challenges of balancing openness, strategy, and management.International Journal of Strategic Communication,6(4), pp.287-308. Rumelt, R.P., 2012. Good strategy/bad strategy: The difference and why it matters.Strategic Direction,28(8). Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary Strategy Analysis Text Only. John Wiley Sons. Proctor, E.K., Powell, B.J. and McMillen, J.C., 2013. Implementation strategies: recommendations for specifying and reporting.Implementation Science,8(1), p.139. Baker, M.J., 2014.Marketing strategy and management. Palgrave Macmillan