Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Reflective Diary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Reflective Diary - Essay Example One of my pair’s friends commented that I did not give enough time for my partner to speak out. I was surprised and I reflected if I did hinder my partner’s communication in any way and why I did not become more aware of it. Using Johns Model, the significant factors that might have affected the experience (University of Cumbria, 2014b, p.2) were the limited time of the discussion, my extrovert personality, and my impatience in waiting for others to express themselves. Time was limited and I felt the pressure to rush the process of the discussion to get the results of how to speak with others. In addition, I am a friendly person and I like talking to people, which can seem like dominating conversations. In my mind, I also want to motivate others to speak by talking about my experiences, but this does not work all the time. Furthermore, I was a bit impatient in waiting for my partner to speak up. I think I do not know how to deal with shy or introvert people as much as I would like to admit because I am unsure if and when silence is something good in conversations when dealing with strangers. The next stage for the model is reflection on what I was trying to achieve and the consequences of my goals and actions (University of Cumbria, 2014b, p.2). My goals then were to express my ideas and issues about communication and to ensure that I can also learn from my partner. My constraints were time and the potentially different communication styles that we have. Time can be an obstacle to effective communication if it becomes a source of pressure to attain fast outcomes (Bruhn, 2011, p.278). Differences in communication styles can also lead to incorrect interpretations of verbal and non-verbal expressions (Solomon and Theiss, 2013, p.360). As for the consequences, I probably did not give my partner enough time to be able to fully express her ideas and opinions. I can be quite outcome-oriented, which can make me vulnerable to time pressures (Bruhn,

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