Tuesday, March 17, 2020

POSITIONING Al Ries and Jack Trout Essays - Marketing, Free Essays

POSITIONING Al Ries and Jack Trout Essays - Marketing, Free Essays POSITIONING Al Ries and Jack Trout Positioning On repeated occasions we have heard that lack of communication is the main problem in any type of relationship in which you interact and need to convey a message. Today, we are overwhelmed by the media that are present in every context, bombard us with so much information that it is impossible for our brain to retain it all, at least that which is not relevant to our subconscious. And it is that the subconscious is the one in charge to administer the volume of information that arrives to him, rejects great part of it, and only accepts that it fits with his previous knowledge and experiences. But as described, having so many message distribution channels, the subconscious has become more demanding at the time of storing this information, which is why it is now even more complex to transmit messages that are received, processed and understood. its entirety When it comes to solving the problem of how to be heard in an overcommunicated society, positioning is the first thing that comes to mind. Positioning is something intangible in communication, but you want to achieve in it to achieve impact in society. Positioning, is a complex concept that has been difficult to understand but that if you can understand and master it will become a tool of high impact, mainly in marketing media. First of all, we must clarify that the positioning does not refer to the product, but to what is done with the minds of the likely customers or people to whom we want to influence; that is, how the product is located in their minds. If it is desired to cause an impact, in today's society, positioning must be created, and this is not starting from something different, but rather manipulating what is already in the mind; reorder existing connections. The marketing strategies used several decades ago were designed for a society completely alien to today's society, those sales strategies no longer have an impact on the current market, there are too many products, companies and "noises". Society is over-communicated, and that is why a new focus on advertising and marketing is necessary. In the world of communication today, the only way to stand out is to know how to choose, concentrating on few objectives, practicing segmentation. The best way to reach our overcommunicated society is the oversimplified message, to penetrate the mind you have to sharpen the message. But the solution to the problem does not have to be sought within the product or within the mind itself; The solution of the problem is in the client's mind in perspective. Since only a minimum part of the message will be able to break through, we must ignore the sender to focus on the receiver: concentrate on the way the other person perceives, and not on the reality of the product. It may be better not to communicate unless you are willing to take long-term positions. Nobody has a second chance to make a good first impression. Beyond this, it has been discovered that people are capable of receiving only a limited amount of sensations: upon reaching a certain level, the brain goes blank and refuses to function normally. To better understand what are the elements against which the message that one emits must be measured, we must consider more closely the human mind. As a defense mechanism against the volume of today's communications, the mind rejects information that does not compute, only admits that reference that fits with its current state of mind. The rest rejects it. The consumer is an emotional and not rational being. If that were not the case, advertising would not make sense. In order for us to achieve positioning, we must follow a series of strategies that must be understood and executed so that, in each of them, we obtain positive results that lead to the successful process of positioning in the mind of the market. We must first reach most of the sites. History shows that the first brand that enters the brain generally achieves double the long-term market share than number two and twice as many as number three. When the market leader is not the first in a new category, the new product

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