Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Population Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Population - Coursework ExampleFamily training programs accept been increased in the 80s with the help of the state governments. The Indian government pore more on unsophisticated field of operationss to control the population through primary health centers. Family planning programs such as All-India Hospitals Post-partum Program at district- and sub district-level hospitals, shakeup of primary health care facilities in urban slum areas, reservation of hospital beds for tubal ligature operations, re-modeling of intrauterine device (IUD) rooms in rural family welfare centers attached to primary health care facilities, were included in the seventh Five Year Plan of the Indian government. Another important family planning program is the Project for Community Action in Family training. Located in Karnataka, the project operates in 154 project villages and 255 controlOn the other hand, the Chinese traditionally prefer early marriage, early child-bearing, and large families. mainland Chinas current family planning policy was made to meet the needs of a special period. At present, the Chinese Family Planning Policy guidelines are as follows 1. Controlling the rapid population growth and reducing birth defects.2. Late marriages, later births, and fewer babies couples are encouraged to have only one child. In rural areas, the birth of a second child should be spaced 4-5 years from the first (Li Wei-xiong)Just like India, China also has started implement family planning measures in the 1960s onwards. China has adopted the strategies like late marriage, fewer births, and spacing of births to control the population. Fewer births were advocated - one is good, cardinal are acceptable and three are too many. In the early 1980s, central government advocated one child per family in urban areas. For rural area couples, one child is impractical, which causes difficulties therefore, couples are encouraged to have a second child after a gap of around 4 years (Li Wei-xiong).

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