Tuesday, August 13, 2019

ART_Compare and Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ART_Compare and Contrast - Essay Example The dull texture portrayed in â€Å"The oath of Horati" portraying sadness and the smooth, dull texture in the "Women on Algiers† portray a relaxed mood (Getlein, p. 217). The Work by Jacques-Louis David, Oath of Horati, depicts a picture of three soldiers, one carrying a spear and a picture of an elderly man carrying three swords saluting each other in a solidarity show. It shows four women, out of whom one has a child. There are also a picture of a "wall and pillars" depicting the scene occurring in a hall. The Cultural similarities in the two types of painting can be depicted by the manner of the dressing. In The painting by Jacques Louis David, Oath of Horati, which portrayed ancient Rome, women are shown to have won long dresses, possibly made of silk, the same can be said of the kind of dresses won by the women on Algiers. The differences between North African Culture and Western Cultures as shown in the two paintings are portrayed as how men treat their women. In North Africa, Women are treated better. They are allowed to enjoy themselves in specific areas. They are given slaves or Servants; this is shown on the painting, Women on Algiers. The work by Eugene Delacroix is a perfect work of art. He has managed to depict his theme/subject matter by effectively using the visual elements and design of painting. The painter has managed to bring out the relaxed emotion of the ladies in the harem by effective use of light and color. A larger percentage of this painting is colored in dark. An overlapped use of color has created a vibrant canvas therefore bringing out the subject of sexuality. The Painting by Jacques David is neo-classical. Emphasis is on the fore-ground as opposed on the background and this portrays the importance of patriotism (Getlein, 312). The author has successfully depicted the theme by using dull colors. The

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