Thursday, August 15, 2019

Prison culture

Encounter and Synthesis You will conduct an in-depth, I-hour interview with an individual or married couple from your selected cultural group to develop an understanding of the cultural factors that helped shape that individual's (or couple's) cultural identity. A variety of Issues may be explored in the Interview. The knowledge you gained from Parts 1 and 2, as well as your sense of the person/couple you Interview, will gulled you in how personal you can get with your questions. Cultural groups and Individuals ray on how private they are. SE their feedback regarding what areas you can probe. If the person is very open, go deeper. If not, then respect that cultural boundary and ask yourself why this boundary is there. Issues that you may wish to explore during the interview include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Early childhood experiences and parental values 2. Earliest memories of recognizing membership in a culturally different group 3. The role of religion/spiritualit y 4. Immigration experiences 5. Similarities/differences between couples' interactions in the U. S. Compared to in he person's original culture 6.School experiences as a member of a cultural minority 7. Experiences with subtle racism or discrimination 8. Experiences with overt racism or discrimination 9. Ways the person/couple chose his/her/their career(s) or made career choices 10. The experience of being culturally different 1 1 . Attitudes about the â€Å"majority culture 12. Extent of desire to assimilate majority cultural attitudes, values, and lifestyles 13. Feelings of oppression 14. Feelings of anger toward majority culture 15. From the person's/couple's own cultural background, are there any racist attitudes toward or stereotyping of individuals from other particular cultures? 6. Strengths identified from the person's/couple's cultural background that help him/ her/them cope with living in the U. S. Once your Interview Is done, you will answer the questions below. Read all the questions before you begin so you will not repeat yourself. First person may be used in your answers. While this is not a regular academic paper (since it can be in outline form, consists of answering questions, and can be in first persons you must observe correct and current PAP style (1†³ margins, h† indents of paragraphs, everything bubble-spaced, correct citation style if used, etc. ).

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