Sunday, August 25, 2019

Conestoga-Rovers and Associates Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Conestoga-Rovers and Associates - Case Study Example For that reason, organizations implement strategies that aim at empowering employees to perform their duties with an innate drive and freedom to interact with each other. A company can enhance the productivity of its workers through creating a good environment over which they can interact with their colleagues productively as well as ensure a friendly atmosphere. Conestoga-Rovers and Associates as well as other companies have a purpose in their attempt to facilitate several social events that influence the working environment for their employees. Influencing the working environment has indirect effect on the productivity of an organization as well as a direct one on the morale of employees and therefore, many of them perform with a positivistic attitude. Companies have various reasons why they influence the working environment for employees and that cause them put a lot of investment to achieve it and therefore, improve productivity. Conestoga-Rovers and Associates Company creates a positive working environment so that it can improve the morale of its employees as they deliver their services to the company. The company invests in improving the working environment with the understanding that it is likely to perform well when employees are happy. A moralized employee has high commitment to the activities of the company and takes his or her responsibilities so that he or she can ensure success of the company. In many circumstances, motivated employees are committed to the improvement of the working environments because they develop a sense of ownership to the activities of the company (Nyp, 2007). On the other hand, creating satisfaction mood in employees ensures that all the employees can protect the properties of the company for which they are working and reducing the chances of the company making losses. Creating a positive working environment enhances retention of highly performing employees and builds their loyalty to the management and the administrators of the company. In a company that allows employees freedom, growth and interactive platforms for doing their day to day activities, highly performing workers are likely stay for long. Employees are likely to stay because they feel that the company for which they work values their services by creating an environment for improvement of skills and refreshing their bodies after a period of continuous work. In Conestoga-Rovers and Associates, employees have enough time to spend in social activities on regular bases, which makes employees to break their monotony of regular working (Nyp, 2007). Companies manage its working environment so that it can attract highly qualified employees who are likely to improve its productivity in case of a vacancy. Conestoga-Rovers and Associates Company or any other company improves working environment as way of creating a competitive advantage in the market in the process of acquiring new employees for the company. Employees that work in a company that has a positive working environment act as ambassadors with good information to the labor market for which the company fetches new employees (Nyp, 2007). When there is a vacancy and the company advertises and attracts a large number of candidates, it gives the management an easy time to select the best for a job from a large pool of applicants. Question 2 In order for a company to provide services that are unique from the ones that other companies offer, it has to evaluate the various factors that characterize it workforce. On the other hand, a company may consider its monetary potential to offer motivations to its employee according to their number and the size of the perks they want to provide to them. To achieve the goal of giving perks that its employees value, Conestoga-Rovers

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