Friday, May 31, 2019

Comparison Of Mail Communications Essay example -- essays research pap

New technologies have always allowed us to do things faster, moreefficiently, and more professionally than ever before. Generally, everynew technology is a step forward for speed and productivity. But,despite this paradigm, the coming of the latest mail communicationsinnovation has brought many pros and cons with the package. Electronicmail could be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but there atomic number 18 manywho find flaws in it. We are now going to take a moment to compare thespeed, ease, reliability, and outlay of electronic mail with ourgeneral postal system.The speed of transfer is an important part of the decision to send mailby either protocol. E-mail has a distinct advantage in this category. With the click of a button, your message will be received in a period of5 to 30 seconds. Whether you are sending e-mail to a person across thestreet or in Afghanistan, the transfer rate is virtually the same. Also, data files and computer applications can be sent via e-mailh owever, large files will slow upload & download time even though theyare sent in seconds. Unfortunately, physical packages such as gifts ormagazines cannot be attached to e-mail. On the other side of thespectrum, the postal service can send any kind of physical package, froma magazine to a pool table, for a price proportional to its size. Thepostal service can also transfer data if it is placed on a disk or aCD-ROM. Speed, howe...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Songs and Deaths of Rockstars Essay -- Song Music Musicians Death

The Songs and Deaths of Rockstars Music as we know it today is the voice of a generation. It gives us entertainment, and speaks out for a community of people in many ways. Most people listen to at least some sort of music, and serves a purpose in almost every facet of society. moreover if about any expression can be shared through music, inlcuding ideas and feelings about shoemakers last. Music is used in various way when pertaining to death, including songs about how a death occurred, or songs at a service mourning a death. Whichever way you wait at it, music serves an important purpose, and the songs about death and the death of certain performing artists has a great impact on society, especially the youth of society. It will be interesting to think about some of these songs and musicians, and the put their short lives and music can have in our society.No matter which way you turn your head, your going to hear many different kinds of music. galore(postnominal) artists look to cover as many topics in their music, and death and dying is a topic that everyone in this world will sooner or later accord with, so it is a topic that it is covered. It is interesting when looking at Rap pains, and two artists come to mind right away when speaking about death. The infamous B.I.G. and Tupac Shakur are two rap artists who both have fall outd within the last five years, and were both extremely popular. What one may look at is the concomitant that both seemed to have an idea that they were going to die right before they did, and it was not because of a terminal illness, it was in fact by being murdered.Tupac Shakur was a very popular artist, whose talents were respected by people who werent or arent even rap music fans. He was very young when he passed, at bestride 25, and there are still people who listen to his music toiday, and there are even some people who question his death even occurred. Many of his albums have thoughts of death and his lyrics represent th ese thoughts, as he questions how much faith he has left, and how he seems to know his time is coming to an end. One of his songs, titled only God can Judge me, talks about how there is death all around him, and how it is hard to keep positive in the light of friends passing. Now, when dealing with a popular rap artist who makes alot of ... ...point or another in their lives. To the people who have never had someone close to them die, the death of a credit can be the next closest way for that person to experience and learn to deal with death. The deaths of the four artists mentioned touched the public in different ways. brad Nowell was an aspiring artist who was just making it to the top when it all came crashing down. Tupac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G. were both already on top and their lifestyles of violence led to their demise. And the Kurt Cobain was a dainty town guy who didnt want all of the fame and his psyche crumbled as he comitted suicide. Each one of these deaths a nd the music brought from these artists gives us a sense of what it is like to die the way each of these people did. To alot of fans, when their favorite artist dies, a very small part of them dies, and it brings a rebirth to reality, on how life should be lived and that the industry is only entertainment, and not the way to a fulfulling life. In the end music cannot be a way of life, but it can lead to inspiration towards booster cable a good life, and gives comfort and hope towards that goal.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Problems in Australian Society :: australia

Australia Still the Lucky Country?Fire, flood, drought & cyclones. These are just some of the natural disasters that the so called, Lucky Country, Australia endures every year. And, with 5% of Australias population living overseas, we are beginning to question if Australia really is the lucky country. ITS true, that Australians are luckier than people from most other countries in the world, notwithstanding are we really living in THE lucky country? Is there even really a lucky country at all? erst a dumping ground for criminals and never-do-goods during World state of war II. Australia became a home for almost seven million immigrants, many of them British people who sought a new start over in a sunny country with a hopeful future.Australia was once a dumping ground for criminals and never-do-goods during World War II.Now, Australias luck may have run start. Australia has had many different sorts of problems throughout the recent years, asTwenty years ago, the lawful Australian e mployee was withal busy to worry about the happenings of parliament. Numerous people waited until Bob Hawke became vizor Minister, after only two years in parliament. The politically naive voted for this regular bloke who understood real Australians and he spoke like one to. His fair dinkum accent was his greatest asset.As soon as he became Prime Minister this courageous, fair minded, man for the nations citizens turned into a wimpy, deceitful man, who had lost touch with his fellow Australians and walked the same direction as his forerunners.The Howard regime was not much improved it improved the economy, but had a terrible record on human rights issues. Its only actual triumph had been to reconstitute the indirect tax system and to boost the reserve banks independence. Then there are natural disasters over the years, Australia has experienced more than bounteous natural disasters. Drought is without doubt one of the most complex troubles that Australia must deal with. Due to t he fact that Australia has an enormous area of desert, and very low yearbook rainfall, the country is very dry.Fire is another problem within Australia. They are among the natural disasters that cause the greatest loss of both humans and material. The fires break out for many different reasons, but one of the main causes is the dry air, that throughout summer, blows from the deserts to the coast. Another cause is during droughts, there is a lot of dry land, the hotness from the sun can cause fires.

Blackberry Picking Essay -- Poems Poetry Berries Essays

Blackberry PickingBlackberry picking is almost greed, growing up, how we struggle in lifeand how delectation can be taken a office from us very quickly. Heaneywrites retrospectively, about the times he as a child would goblackberry-picking every year, as a metaphor for these experiences.The first stanza of the poem is mostly quite positive andenthusiastic. The first part of the stanza describes the the ripeningof the berries, given heavy rain and sun for a panoptic week, theblackberries would ripen. He also gives us an image of the berries. Heaney uses the metaphor a glossy purple clot for the ripe berries,and the similie hard as a knot for the unripe berries. When you sayhard as a knot, the sound is quite short, indicating that theberries are not yet ripe. It then continues to write about the frenzyof picking them - lust for picking.Heaney presents the tasting of the berries as a sensual process, andalso uses words akin flesh, and thickened wine to be the berriessound so desira ble. Alsolust, to describe the childrensunrestrained desire and appetite for them. Heaney uses a lot of figurative language in this poem. Personification and a series of metaphors and similies are used flesh was sweet like thickened wine, the berry is personified andthere is use of a similie, the metaphor summers blood, referring tothe hard work and nourishment that nature has put into it, and thensuddenly it is taken away by the children.It is the peoples hunger and lustfor the berries that sends themout to pick out up their milk-cans, pea-tins, jam-pots until they arefully filled up with blackberries until the tinkling bottom hasbeen covered. Onomatopoeia is used - tinkling... ...ow long and painful the process ofpicking the blackberries are, how they got their hands full of thornpricks. Then after a short while, the berries start to rot, and thesweet flesh of the berries would turn sour.Heaney writes this poem to reveal that life is about disappointment,and that good things wo nt utmost, while relating it back to a childhoodevent of his past. It is also about growing up, and ageing, as we getthe contrast of the adults and childrens view in the last stanza.I found this poem very enjoyable and interesting to study, becausewhen I was reading the poem, it almost felt like I could taste theblackberries. I like his use of figurative language, especially theway he described the berries. Another reason why I liked this poem isbecause I like the way Heaney uses past events of his life to expresscertain ideas about life.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Essay --

The Rise of mainland china as a superpower Paper in MLA format The international political and economical environs of China is changing. There is a significant difference between a country that takes 30 years to grow and one that takes 300 years (Yang Xuedong). The liberal economic reforms from Deng Xiaoping and the opening of China to the world brought the country on the way to a superpower. Since the beginning of the 1980s the Chinese economy booms with an average growth count of almost 10%, during the economies of the West have grown 1% to 3%. The gross national product has increased from 760 billion Yuan to 7200 Yuan which close that it has ten folded over the last 25 years. How could China grow that much and can it still continue to grow? In the beginning of the 1950s China was a poor country with no industry or infrastructure and the country was destroyed and ruined by the civil war which the communists won. On October the foremost 1949 Mao Zedong called out the Pe oples Republic of China and started to build a communist state. In 1959 Mao called out the Great leap ahead. Farmers should build infrastructure and they were mainly forced to advance the rural industrialization. The Great leap ended as a disaster and Mao almost str etcetera out China into ruin. Even later in the culture revolution of China (1966-76), a big evolution didnt happen. The opposite happened and millions of students got send to rural regions for hard manual of arms work. Couples were separated and they children were taken away and they got forced to do hard work. After the death of Mao in the 1976, Deng Xiaoping, who accomplished the economic miracle, took over China. He reopened state courts and public schools. Party leaders hoped that more lawyers would try giving peopl... ...eas are energy system, things in relation with political freedom or privatization of the economy etc.China is on a crossroad of different development opportunities. How China will look like in another 50 years we cant tell but its best day are over. In conclusion, China has had an amazing run too power. It found the way out of poverty into wealth. The old factory farm ideas from Mao are and the bad working conditions for people are in the past. China got opened up to the world and is one of the most open countries now. The economic system is perfectly working the last 20 years and China could afford to build new and beautiful cities. Even when China is still a communist country, the power is by the people. We cant say if China is still able to grow or if it is highest point of power but we can say that China had had the best evolution the world has ever seen.

Essay --

The Rise of China as a superpower Paper in MLA format The international political and economic environment of China is changing. There is a significant difference between a country that takes 30 anile age to grow and one that takes 300 geezerhood (Yang Xuedong). The big economic reforms from Deng Xiaoping and the adequate to(p)ing of China to the world brought the country on the way to a superpower. Since the beginning of the 1980s the Chinese delivery booms with an average ontogeny rate of well-nigh 10%, during the economies of the West have grown 1% to 3%. The gross national product has increased from 760 billion kwai to 7200 Yuan which mean that it has ten folded over the last 25 years. How could China grow that much and can it notwithstanding continue to grow? In the beginning of the mid-fifties China was a poor country with no industry or infrastructure and the country was destroyed and ruined by the civil war which the communists won. On October the 1st 1949 Mao Z edong called out the Peoples Republic of China and started to build a communist state. In 1959 Mao called out the Great derail forward. Farmers should build infrastructure and they were mainly forced to advance the rural industrialization. The Great leap ended as a disaster and Mao almost lead China into ruin. Even later in the culture revolution of China (1966-76), a big evolution didnt happen. The opposite happened and millions of students got send to rural regions for enceinte manual work. Couples were separated and they children were taken away and they got forced to do hard work. After the death of Mao in the 1976, Deng Xiaoping, who accomplished the economic miracle, took over China. He reopened state courts and public schools. Party leaders hoped that more lawyers would try giving peopl... ...eas are energy system, things in relation with political freedom or privatization of the economy etc.China is on a crossroad of different development opportunities. How China will loo k like in another 50 years we cant arrange but its best day are over. In conclusion, China has had an amazing run too power. It found the way out of poverty into wealth. The old agriculture ideas from Mao are and the bad working conditions for people are in the past. China got opened up to the world and is one of the most open countries now. The economic system is perfectly working the last 20 years and China could afford to build new and beautiful cities. Even when China is still a communist country, the power is by the people. We cant say if China is still able to grow or if it is highest point of power but we can say that China had had the best evolution the world has ever seen.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Marketing plan Essay

It is a decl be intercoursement process through which an organisation set asides its goods or services to its customers. Through fodder market the organisation try to discontinue and value customer, and managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organisation and its shareholders. grocery storeing as well complicates identification, selection and makement of a product, determining the price of the product, selection of a distribution channel to reach the target customers, and development and implementation of a promotional strategy. Marketing is all about to meets the ask of the customers and satisfy the needs of the customers.WHAT IS foodstuff RESEARCH?It is the systematic gathering, recording and analysis of data about issues relating to marketing products and services. It stinker inform contrastes decisions by helping the condescension to understand the changing kinetics of its market. It involves materializeing out more than(prenominal)(prenomi nal)(prenominal) about customers, competitors and the everywhereall marketing surround.Market inquiry also allows a company to discover who their target market is and what these consumers think of about a product or service before it comes available to the public. Market research may be conducted by the company itself or by a third party company that specializes in market research. Test subjects are unremarkably compensated with product samples and/or paid a clarified income for their time.There are two types of researchprimary research The research is original to the organisation conducting the research (they collected the data) Secondary research The research camefrom another(prenominal) source (the data had already been gathered e.g. Market research reports, trade journals, customer service records)Within these categories information can be either native (from inside the organisation) or external (from another organisation or source outside of the organisation). The resea rch can be soft and quantitative or include elements of both. Well computer programned market research often involves a combination as they can reveal unalike things about the same market. Qualitative research qualitative research involves finding out opinions, attitudes and feelings.Often more multipurpose than quantitative data but is more difficult to collect and analyse. Methods of collecting qualitative data include tenseness groups and in depth interviews. Quantitative research quantitative market research involves finding numerical data. Quantitative data is principally collected from large samples and is easy to analyse. Methods of collecting quantitative data include written and online questionnaire.This kind of research is used to find out how customers perceive an organisations or brand, understand how changes in price, or other variables, might affect consumer spending decisions and investigate customer pickences, interests, aspiration and other variables.MARKET P LANNINGIt is a military control document written for the purpose of describing the present market position of a business and its marketing strategy for the period covered by the business. Marketing plans usually amaze a life time of one to five age. The objective of market plan is to show the steps that will be undertaken by the business to achieve its objectives.The elements used in the market planningDescription of products or service, including special features. Marketing budget, including the advertising promotional plan. Description of the business location, including advantages and disadvantages. Pricing strategy.Market segmentation.The business uses varied market planning tools to do market research such as postage audit tog up analysis orthogonal objectives strategy and tacticsEvaluating effectives of marketing activityNow I am discussing about how tag and Spencer uses market research and market planning tools to contribute to their development plans.PESTLE ANALYSISPolit icalThese factors are usually beyond the control of the organisation. However, the business needs to anticipate changes and identify the action it needs to take either take away the to the highest degree of an opportunity or mitigate a threat.When attach and spencer is considered they do put up semipolitical influence such as government set ups regularisations for them regarding health and safety. British standards such as, planning for hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control. If the companies do not abide by these regulations they will be fined or even in some cases be forced to close down. mark and Spencer did not abide by the British standards as they were charged for neglecting health and safety regulations after a door fell on an employee. The warehouse door was left hanging on loose fixtures. tag and Spencer are supposed to have ignored stamping ground requests, allowing the door to fall into disrepair. tag and Spencer pled not guilty to this there is s till no outcome of this trial.Also according to BBC news 30th January two hundred6 label and Spencer would be the major retailer to go down the fair trade route onboth clothing and food. The fair trade policy, which they have launched will include, crook salt and fat in Marks and Spencer foods, recycled packaging and animal welfare protection. Marks and Spencer Chief Stuart Rose stated, Customers want good value, but they care more than ever how food and clothing products are made.EconomicThese factors can affect the performance of a business. Especially when national/international economy goes through periods of prosperity and recession. Currently the economic outlook is very uncertain and this is more than likely to affect retail sales, as people do not have the hold dedicate cash to spend on luxury items such as clothing and food luxuries.Marks and Spencer have been hit by this and have recently unappealing a number of stores and have to view job cuts of 2% of their 70000 round. And also to show what affect the recession has had, they took the decision to have two days of 20% discounts in the run up to Christmas. They have also divulged a 20% of all wine and champagne to keep up with their competitors. Customers are happy to acquire the products from Marks and Spencer but due to the veritable economic situation they do not spend much on shopping.SocialThese factors relate to the values and beliefs of society. This provides useful information for businesses targeting their services at broad segments of the population, such as newspapers and magazines. In the past few years the society has changed. The culture and the expectation of the customers have changed. In 2006 Marks and Spencer chief executive Stuart Rose wanted to stretch the company brand, for example he considered selling food online as part of a plan to become a multi-channel retailer to keep up with its competitors.Also in response to cheap clothing industry super markets have increas ingly over the last few years caught up with fashion trends, helping them to challenging the high street clothing stores with their less expensiveversions. Marks and Spencer is no exception to this and they have bought their clothing ranges up to date to keep up with their customers interested. Consumer purchases are influenced by cultural, social, personal and psychological characteristics. Most of the factors cannot be controlled by the marketers but they have to be taken into account by the marketers.TechnologicalThis development can affect the business in range of ways. It is one of the important aspects in the retail market. The brands of the company have to be managed carefully by the relevant managers of that company. The large companies have to be continuously being considered about their branding as it is a method they communicate with the customers and its way of advertising. They need to use their initiatives and new technologies to set themselves a standard among the pub lic.For Marks and Spencer continuously to communicate with their customers they need to be heavily advertising. They have celebrity icon Myleen class as the face of Marks and Spencer who appears on the adverts on the TV and she is also on their website modelling the Marks and Spencer clothing also other girls include Twiggy, Erin o Connor, and Noemie Lenoir too, so their adverts appeal to women not hardly in their 20s but also to the more mature lady so they are covering all areas with their advertising campaign.LegalThese are the practice of laws that the companies need adhere to. There are lots of law that different companies need to abide by. Legislation keeps on changing throughout the year. Marks and Spencer carry out retraining and update every year, they keep up to date with new laws or regulations, and with issues regarding health and safety they also ensure that their legal protection is updated.An example of legislation is the Fair packaging and Labelling second (1996) provided for the regulation of packaging and labelling of consumer goods.Requires that manufacturers state what the package contains, who made it, and how much it contains. In Marks and Spencer website they show that they adhere to this legislation.Packaging helps to protect the product between being produced and uses by the customer. It prevents product wastage, carries important instructions and information on ingredients and helps the product look its best in the store.Data protection Act 1998 and Freedom of Protection Act 2000 these are the Acts to protect the rights of the customers. Since Marks and Spencer collects the information about the customers for delivery purpose customers wants to ensure that they keep their data safe.EnvironmentalEnvironmental factors can relate to the social, political and legal aspects affecting a business. The government may put pressure on businesses to increase the amount of recycling. All companies, industries and organisations are being pressu red to change their ways when it comes to the materials they use and how they manufacture. Marks and Spencer have established their own Green policy which they call plan A the chief executive of Marks and Spencer has today denote a 100 point five year plan to re-engineer itself to become a carbon neutral, zero waste to landfill, ethical trading, and sustainable sourcing health promoting business.SWOT ANALYSISSWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the business. Opportunities and threats are external elements present in the purlieu in which the organisation operates. Carrying out a SWOT room researching the organisations current and future position. Its a way of getting information which provides the basis for developing marketing objectives or aims and ultimately strategies or plans.StrengthsStrengths are the advantages for a company to run efficiently. For a company to run efficiently they need to keep up their s trengths. The strengths of Marks and Spencer is that their high quality which have attracted all the customers. The customer service of Marks and Spencer is their biggest strength as their main objective apart from making profit is customer based trading.The shopping environment is strength for Marks and Spencer. The shopping environment is much more flexible and convenient to the customers. They have made their stores brighter, and use modern designing techniques in their stores to make it more attractive. The management training of Marks and Spencer is excellent. Every manager has the responsibility to do their duty and to ensure that they run the best service to the customer.WeaknessesWeaknesses are the scat backs of the company. The weaknesses have to be improve with time. The price is one the weakness of Marks and Spencer. Customers prefer to buy cheap clothes rather than expensive due to the current economic situation of the country. Lack of clothing is also another weaknes s. When Marks and Spencer is considered they have a variety of clothing fact especially ladies outwear is modify design and cut. In addition, comfortable younger consumers prefer purchasing brand labels, such as Next, Debenhams, and Topshop etc.OpportunitiesMarks and Spencer has many opportunities to expand their business. One of the opportunities of Marks and Spencer is the use of technology. In the modern world the technology has developed fast. It increases the rent for the online products. Customers are happy about adapting themselves towards the e-shopping of Marks and Spencer. The other opportunities of Marks and Spencer are that extending their market and also healthy eating. Healthy eating would catch the attention of the people as they want to make sure that the food they eat is healthy and the demand for the unique(predicate) food willincrease. People want quality foods and they also want variety of foods. Introducing variety of foods would increase the sales of Marks and Spencer.ThreatsAlthough Marks and Spencer is a successful company it still has to face threats. The main threats is that their competitors. The other companies like Debenhams and Next. Changing social environment is also a threat if the environment is changed the needs of the people will also be changed. consequently Marks and Spencer needs to change the needs of the people will also be changed. Therefore Marks and Spencer needs to change themselves according to the needs of the people.SMART OBJECTIVESAll businesses set objectives, at a variety of levels. All these objectives should follow SMART objectives.SpecificIt is the specific aim of the company. The specific aim of Marks and Spencer is to expand their stores and to become a multi-channel retailer. They want to expand their business internationally more over their main focus is to expand in UK.MeasurableIt is setting objectives that believe that can be measured so that they can decide whether the objective has be en achieved. They wanted to expand the business as they have thought they have expanded various food stores throughout the UK. They have expanded their stores and have been famous among the people.AchievableThe objectives that are set by Marks and Spencer should be able to achievable. The objectives of Marks and Spencer are an achievable target. As they thought they were able to achieve their target. They were able to expand their business. They wanted to introduce more variety in their food products as they have said they have achieved their target. They have introduced variety in their food products in their food stores.naturalisticThe targets that are set should be realistic. They should be achievable. Marks and Spencer have to set targets which are based on their competitors. The targets also have to be able to manage the resources and the market.Time relatedThe targets that are set should be realistic. They should be achievable. Marks and Spencer announced in November 2010 that they wanted to expand the business in 5 years time frame. As they have planned they have achieved most of their target within two years time.STRATEGY AND TACTICSThe strategic planning of Marks and Spencer is what made them to be famous among the other company. The strategic plan was set on November 2010. It was a 5 year plan in which they have achieved most of it. As part of their strategic planning they want to put the right team to work together, they have changed their capital structure.They also want to expand their food stores throughout UK. Their main focus is UK and they want to become a multi-channel retailer. They also improved on their product therefore which enables them to stand for years.In conclusion Marks and Spencer is a successful company. Their different market plans and their research have enabled them to achieve their targets. The market research done by the Marks and Spencer has contributed to the development of its marketing plans. In macro environment Marks a nd Spencerfollows the government policies and protects and protects the natural environment. Moreover, Marks and Spencer is influenced by the factors of economic, social and technological to set their business strategies. On the hand, in micro environment the Marks and Spencer have a good long term relationship with their suppliers and their customers.The significant strategies of Marks and Spencer are creating potential customers and maintaining the existing customers. Overall the analysis of Marks and spencer has found that its business structure follow the trend society. This easy writing has made me to know the strategic planning of Marks and Spencer which has enabled them to stand for long.P4 Use marketing research for marketing planning.INTRODUCTION200 customers were pileed of a local bracing devise bar to find out about the current range of devisees on offer and the standard of service. The findings include75% want more childrens sandwiches82% want the shop to open longer 65% said that the faculty were unfriendly50% said that the contents of the sandwiches should be fresher 80% said that they would prefer more wraps75% want more childrens sandwichesFrom the survey it could be analysed that most of the customers prefer childrens sandwiches. 150 customers out of 200 like childrens sandwiches. It also could be assumed that the childrens sandwich is more preferred due to the characteristics of the sandwich. The target of the product is mainly at small children therefore they could make the sandwich more colourful and attractive. Nicely packing the sandwich and including a toy with the sandwich also increase their sales.Providing a meal pack also wouldincrease more customers. One of the other important things that have to be considered is the taste of the sandwich. The childrens sandwich should be milder than the adults sandwich. The milder choice is because the children do not prefer spicy food. The sandwich could be improved by making it more colourful and providing a meal would also improve their sales during mollifyal clock. Providing offers for the meal also would improve the sales.SMART target Producing more different shaped and colourful childrens sandwich by 10% in next two months82% want the shop to be open longerIt could be analysed that the majority of the people wants the shop to be open longer. 164 people out of 200 want the shop to be open longer. If the shop is open longer during Saturdays and Sundays it is more likely that the customers come to the shop. In the fast moving world people spend most of their night times by visiting various places, going for shopping therefore if the shop is open longer customers who shops late nights would go to shop.Changing the interior designs of the shop for different seasons makes it more attractive to the customers. It would help them to create a more customer base for the sandwich bar. Opening the shop longer during the weekend and during the special season would benefit the bar more. Most people are free during the week ends than weekdays so opening the shops longer will bring them more profit.And also in the night they would prefer to buy food from shops than cooking at home. If they did home delivery and opened the shop for long they would get more orders. By holding his store open longer than other stores in the area he can potentially gain more customers from other store and perhaps find new customers who use his store nearer to closing time.SMART Increase the opening hours of the shop till 10pm in the night from next two months.65% said that the staff were unfriendlyIt could be seen that most of the staff working are unfriendly. It is important that staff are friendly to the customers. If they treat the customers well only they would like to come to the bar. The customers are satisfied and would feel happy and they would prefer to go to the bar for the good service provided by the staff. They could raise morale to staff by staff recognition schem e.The staff may be given different shifts or rotating jobs for staff therefore they do not get bored. They could also give good training to the staff about how to deal with the customers. The work could be shared between the staff to reduce the stress. They can also promote new staff by replacing new staff with high quality and of much potential.SMART providing training or recruiting all the staff by 10% in next three months.50% said that the contents of the sandwiches should be fresherIn the fast moving world people prefer healthy and fresh foods. The bar could introduce new fresh foods like salads. They can ask their suppliers to supply the necessary materials every day in the morning. They can keep the sandwich fresh by covering it with a foil paper. Keeping the sandwich in coolers will make the sandwich fresh.Preparing the sandwich on the spot will keep the food products fresher than already made sandwich. People would be happier to buy fresh products. Including salads and veg s to the sandwich will make the sandwich more a healthy food and it would provide calories to the people. They could also have more employees to serve the customers so that the sandwich is served freshly and on time.SMART supply healthy and fresh sandwiches to the customers by 10% in two weeks time.80% said they would prefer more wrapsIn the modern world people are exposed to variety of food choices. They are not only exposed to the home food but they have choices of food from allaround the world. Therefore they are very specific in what they want. Therefore for the bar to improve on their business they could introduce wraps. They could introduce chicken wraps and vegetable wraps.When supplying vegetable wraps they should supply it with fresh ingredients. They can include salads, onions, tomatoes and etc. The wraps could be on the spot by the staff and served to the customers. The bar could offer meals to the customers. SMART Introducing 3 different varieties of wraps in one month time by 5%.Overall customers are happy about the sandwich bar. They are quite satisfied with the products offered by the sandwich bar. This market research finding helps them to know their target market and to set their market strategy and also to develop their market plan. From the basis of the research we can do a SWOT analysis for the bar. This would help them to know the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.The strengths of the bar are their product they are making for the children. The children sandwich is their main strength. 200 customers is a large amount of customers which shows they do have a strong customer base. The weaknesses of the bar are that the staff were unfriendly to the customers. The customers also want fresh supply for foods. If they could improve on them they would succeed in their business.The opportunities of the bar are that widening the choice of food products to the customers. more childrens sandwiches will bring more customers in with young children is an opportunity for them to make more profit. Making more wraps so that there is a larger selection of food available in store bringing more customers through the door therefore increasing sales and profit.The threats the bar could have is that their competitors. The competitors might overtake them if they do not provide good service to the customers. Any new shops that are opening can be a potential threat and steal customers from his store because they may give better service, products or their prices may be lower. Supermarkets around the shops are also a threat to thebar because they sell sandwiches at lower price than the sandwich bar.Overall, from the outcome of the research it can be seen that the people are quiet happy and satisfied with the products and services offered by the restaurants. The bar could also set SMART objectives as part of their market plan to improve on their sales and profit. Overall this easy writing has helped me to learn how a research could help to develop their market plan and how they could improve on them.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Broken Child Essay

The documentary Broken Child explored the lives of people, both children to adults, that ache been impacted by drug and alcohol abuse, it also showed children whove been affected by violence and neglect. two types of children realize one thing in common, a high likelihood to repeat the mistakes of their pargonnts. Whether theyve grown up living with one or both p arnts, ar adopted, or live in rear care they are at risk. Factors that impact a childs life are whether their mother treat drugs or alcohol while pregnant, and if theyve grown up in difficult living situations, however there are some solutions offered by this documentary.Youre pregnant, are the words some people dread, people like teenagers and drug users. Drug users, whose only concern is becoming high and acquiring money for drugs, allow for not properly care for a child. In some cases mothers continue to abuse drugs and alcohol throughout their pregnancy because they are too addicted to stop. This causes their bab ies to have defects, intellectual and psychological problems. Children can be natural with damaged brains, and growing up isnt easy for them. One such child is Jonathan, hes an eight year old boy whos had a hard life.His biological mother was an alcoholic and a drug abuser, when she was in labor she was also drunk. This caused Jonathan to have severe mental and psychological problems, including emotional detachment and violent episodes. He was adopted by Alison and Randy, who are the only people who can control him during an episode. Because of his episodes Jonathan cannot have babysitters, also because he was arrested at the age of seven for holding a knife to a babysitters throat. Jonathan takes many medications to help him control himself and calm down.This does not, however call back that Jonathan has broken his familys cycle. There are signs that show him to still be on the path, such as his thoughts about hurting and even killing himself, or his weakness towards weapons an d violence and his impulse to such things. Even though he does not speak to his biological mother or know any coitus he is still very damaged in the head.Showing that its not only the environment that impacts a childs life but their DNA as well. Drug and alcohol abuse are not the only things that can affect a life, exposure to violence and neglect at a young age can create damaging effects ike PTSD, violence towards other people, and a difficulty to learn. Some forms of neglect are undernourished, dehydrated, unvaried diapers, no running water, dirty clothes and children left home alone. When things become unbearable children are taken from their parents by CPS(Child Protective Services) and placed in foster homes. While a foster home may be a better alternative to living at home, sometimes its just a meager half step. Foster parents abuse their foster children and in some cases so do the other children in the foster home.This leads to scared and later baseless children who have been set to repeat a negative family cycle. In other situations, there are children, who take care of younger siblings. This occurs when parents are constantly at work or are neglectful. A seven year-old should never have to have the life of another in his or her hands. They are children themselves who should be enjoying their youth. Forcing children into a role of responsibility too big for them at home pushes them to their anger and frustration in other places, such as school.In school they are just another student, just another name on a desk, just another paper to grade. Its a place to blend in and become the person they must suppress at home. Full of anger and built up hate these children are prone to fighting which earns them a unfavorable name to t all(prenominal)ers who dont know the whole story. These types of kids mix with PTSD effected children whove seen someone die or who are accustomed to multiple gunshots each night as they sleep. A mixing of this proportion means th at children dont focus on school because their too busy picking a fight.All these causes, foster care, children parents, and violence exposed children, add up to a single effect the continuation of a negative family cycle. In spite of these long, and on the face of it endless cycles of negativity I believe that there is a solution to this problem. That is a school. A school with teachers trained to carry off out of control students, with humbled classes, and with after school activities to keep kids off the streets. The teachers will have smaller class sizes which will allow them to have a better handle on the kids.Smaller class sizes will also allow teaches to focus on the students more as individuals rather than one of thirty. Teachers will be trained to handle tempers, fights, and outbursts by children. The after school activities will include things such as homework time, crafts time, sports times, and a weekly counseling session for kids who need the help. These programs wil l control that younger children have a place with a good environment after school and that older children stay off the streets and away from drugs, alcohol, and prostitution.They counseling sessions will be to help stabilize the minds of the children and know when to step in take action. This, to me, seems a good solution because kids are in school for a mass of the day and because things like family counseling will not work on closed minded people. It would be funded by the state, and be a free general school. Children seemed destined to fall into a negative family cycle, but with the right kind of help I believe that can be changed. Children can be born normal, children can enjoy life if only the right steps are taken.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Postpartum Contraception Essay

Postpartum preventive methods are those used by breast feeding women before twenty six eld subsequently they have given birth. Basing on the NICE guidelines, the advice on how to use these methods should be explained to the patients before their second postpartum week. The breast feeding women are allowed to use the lactational amenorrhea method but they are non recommended to use the COCP (combined oral contraceptive pills) method by the World Health Organization before the first 42 days postpartum because its illegal (outside the license) (WHO, 2006).Below are some of the postpartum contraceptive methods. The contraceptive methods The combined contraceptive pills (to the breast feeding women) This contraceptive method to breast women brings about some hormonal out comes on the quantity of milk and its quality too. If these pills are taken before 24 weeks postpartum, they involve the minors growth. In a previous review of randomized controlled trials held to clarify this case, the review reassured women that hormonal contraceptive method has no unvoiced effects on the babys growth.On the other hand, the World Health Organization recommended that, breast feeding mothers before 24 weeks of postpartum should not use the combined contraceptive pills because its use is outside the license (WHO, 2006). Sterilization Basing on the guideline of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, it shows that women should be alert about the consequences and the increasing place at which sterilization fails before the postpartum period (Johnson, Edelman and Jensen, 2003).Lactational Amenorrhoe This method is scientifically proved to be effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies, given to a fair sex, in less than 24 weeks postpartum. As Johnson, Edelman and Jensen (2003) states, she does not experience virginal bleeding after the first seven weeks postpartum, and if she can fully breast feed the baby day and night. Progestogen injectables If this method is used before 42 days of postpartum, it means, that it has been used illegally by the applicant (outside their license).According to Johnson, Edelman and Jensen, (2003), if injectables are used in the early periods of postpartum, it may result into excessive bleeding. It is therefore, recommended that it should be used after 42 days of breast feeding. This may prolong bleeding if applied when not breast feeding in five days of delivery. Emergency contraceptive method This method is not required before twenty one days postpartum and it can be used even if the woman is breast feeding. The IUD may be used after one month postpartum.Implants and the progestogen only pills It is recommended by World Health Organization that this method should not be applied in the first 42 days postpartum (WHO, 2006). On the other hand, in the United Kingdom, this method is commonly used by women before 42 days postpartum since it is proved that it has no effect on the quantity of breast milk and the fact that it does not affect the growth of the baby during this specified period. The following have to be noted for application of turn outAs noted by (Guillebaud (1993) if its application is started after the first two weeks, there is need for some additional contraception and need to clarify that the woman is not pregnant. If the woman starts to experience constant menstrual cycles again, she has to begin the applying POP including the period of five days without the necessity for additional barrier methods. For Etonogestrel implants Guillebaud (1993) explains that, this can be applied between the first 21 to 28 days of delivery. If it exceeds from 28 days, there is need to apply additional contraception methods for a week.Barrier methods (condoms, cervical caps and diaphragms) Condoms It has been proved by scientists that condoms are eight-spoty seven percent effective when used without any other protective measure. And said to be ninety eight percent effective if used with another me asure of protection (spermicide). Every time you have sex, it is recommended that you use condoms (Guillebaud, 1993). Diaphragm As Guillebaud (1993) explains, scientifically, this method is said to be ninety eight percent effective that is if used correctly. It has to fitted by the doctor and used when having sex. ConclusionFrom what has been discussed above, there are many postpartum contraceptive choices a breast feeding woman can use like POP, COCP, barrier methods such as condoms, cervical caps and condoms, progestogen only pills, and others. Some women are development the COCP method, for example, women in UK, before the first 42 days postpartum and yet it is not recommended by WHO. We there by strongly conclude that women should be nifty when taking postpartum contraceptives for the seek of their healthy and the child they have, it is important that they should follow the recommendations of the World Health regarding postpartum contraceptives.Reference Guillebaud, J (1993) P ostpartum Contraception unnecessary before three weeks BMJ, Vol. 307, 6918 p 1558-61 Johnson L, Edelman A, and Jensen J (2003) Patient satisfaction and the impact of written material about postpartum contraceptive decisions AMJ Obstet Gynecology Vol. 188, 5, p, 1201-5 WHO (2006) Medical eligibility criteria for contraception Available online at www. who. int/reproductive-health/public/mec/mec. pdf

Friday, May 24, 2019

BB concepts

Transactional (timely exchange of products and services) abide by-added (falls between transactional and collaborative) Collaborative (alternatives atomic number 18 less, complex purchases and superior prices) Transactional Timely exchange of g/s in a highly competitive market in terms of prices. Autonomous, no/little concerns towards the need of customers or sellers. The relationship ends once the purchase Is done Types of products- packaging, cleaning products or commodity products where bidding is involved CollaborativeOccurs when few alternatives are present and involves complex purchases. Prices excessively are high. Switching costs are very high and extremely important to collaborative customers. This is because the organizational customers invest in their relationships in the following areas property People Training costs Equipment Procedures & Processes The needs of both the customer as well as the seller is taken care of. Trust and commitment are the key factors In such a relationship and they exists when one party has complete confidence In the other partners Integrity and ability.Egg IBM/GE/ Intel/ DuPont- Sucrose, etc. In case of high tech IT products, collaborative relationship can be very beneficial. It focuses on joint problem solving and resource sharing. Value drivers in Collaborative exchange Value creation through core offerings- direct cost, delivery performance Value creation within sourcing process- acquisition cost Value creation at the customer level of operations- ops In order to achieve the key supplier status In collaborative exchange, one must- Target the sort out customerMatch with their purchase requirements Develop strategies to build trust and commitment in order to reduce the perceived risk in the minds of the buyers. Value-added In-between transactional and collaborative. They are those businesses which apart from effective attracting customers also try and retain customers by Providing additional services Developing cus tomized services according to customer needs Provide incentives to the customers on a fixing basis to retain them Egg Tate & Lyle and food ingredients The buyer seller relationship depends mainly onMarket conditions- Highly volatile/ less alternatives go for collaborative, low-toned prices/ low complexity go for transactional o/w collaborative Improving transactional customer loyalty Adopt differentiation outline- this strategy suggests that the value created to the customers which is measure by high margins and sales should exceed the cost involved in creating and delivering the customized product/ services. Adopt activity based costing- BBC is a method that allocates the cost of performing unhomogeneous service to each customer.This will enable the firms to accurately identify who are the most profitable customers. The whale curve which is the result of BBC tells that 80% of sales receipts comes from 20% of the customers. The firms should therefore either retain the most prof itable customers, convert deceitful one to profitable or fire those who are not profitable. Managing unprofitable customers- Reduce cost to serve Increasing profitability- life time value All this can be done through adopting the right CRM strategy The CRM strategy Acquire the right customers

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Financial Literacy in the Philippines Essay

Money. That word enough is enough to turn the heads of al close to any one in this world today. Its not a hidden fact or a myth, or an exaggeration that silver indeed makes the world go round today. In legal matters, money is the lone(prenominal) crusadeable way to amend some matters. In a cynical point of view, you could say that money is the law. In these times of corporate international booming, on that points no exaggeration that money holds your life today. Financial literacy is the cheatledge that is the answer to these times of finance emphasized earth. scarce what is financial literacy?Financial literacy is, gibe to Wikipedia, the ability of a person to understand how money works. It is basically how one is skilled at handling financial matters, and how one is informed of insurances, investing and over-all money negociatement. Knowing this term, then I am asked, Am I financially literate? As a young adult, it is necessary that one knows how to manage money. Especiall y that I go to school everyday, riding public transportation, eating out One can say that isnt everyone financially literate because they know how to budget their money after all?If its that easy, then I could say I am, but it isnt. Im not financially literate. As far as my money goes, I only know a little about saving. In fact, I dont even admit a real bank account in this age of 20. I know very little about insurances, investments, let alone the melodic line market. I only save money so I can spend it on going out with my friends, not for, as they say, the rainy days. Bank accounts ar the only thing I know about and as far as Im concerned its just about them retentivity my money secured.Im supposed to be a little embarrassed, but then I look around my community and see Im not the only one. No, in this boorish, Im one of the majority that is not. Why am I not? Why ar almost of us not financially literate in this world where money is a crucial necessity? Ive read one article in the internet by Randell Tiongson entitled Pinoys and Financial Literacy. The article tackled how us Filipinos are not as financially literate as we recover and the fact that most Filipinos give very little attention to actually be more knowledgeable in handling finances.In contrast though, it states that little by little, we are getting better but still we have a long way to go to being called a financially stable country. I knowing that most Filipinos have the same mind set as I have. We think having a bank account is already financial security. I think I am one of the population that is generally very clueless. Looking at other countries, they have these programs where they actually give seminars and lectures on being financially literate to them the booming money world can only be survived through education.All I see in our country today are seminars about bank accounts and piggy banks. Where is the education that us Filipinos need in this world of financial dependence? We may turn our eyes from it, but money is a concrete fact of living. All my life Ive been taught that saving money is the best thing you can do to your money budget and management. But those are all kids stuff. Im actually now worried that I am not well informed. One of the reasons I am not financially literate is definitely because of poor education on these matters.No one really taught me the words investing, or insurance or the stock market in school. Well maybe in definition, but I never came across how-tos and guide to how to use these terms in the serviceable world. I think I would be scolded that Im asking to be spoon-fed but, to be frank, this country never really made me grow up with concerns about financial literacy. And I am even one of those people with a good education how about our co-citizens with even less? Another reason is probably how our traditions and culture never really had a chance to understand these legal matters formally.Unlike other countries, we are gener ally the most traditional ones. We held our religions close, accept that everything happens in Gods time, if its safe to say, I think we are relying in Him besides much. They didnt talk about life insurances in the bible. We tend to believe that whatever happens, it happens on Gods will. Religion has been our security for ages. And I think that is why my own parents doesnt have too much of a clue in investments issues. And as their child, how am I supposed to have a grasp in this area.No matter how I am accused of having enough resources because of the internet, its still not enough to carry a curiosity on finance matters. Because as tradition was, in this country, if you have a bank account, youre saved. My family isnt really one of those homes where everyones so money-savvy. I think its also because were a young family, with me as the eldest child. So I think I should be the one starting, learning about financial literacy. And this goes, with my last reason Families with rugged financial status tend to not to be exposed in these opportunities.Were not exactly in the higher middle class which many people may think because Im studying in Mapua. Were extremely in the middle middle class and as I have observed in television and the internet, those who already have the money are the ones only given the chance to be literate financially. It isnt a theory that you need money for education, though there are other ways to stay informed but this is the truth. Most people in this country are lower middle class and could you even imagine the opportunities given to their level? Its just concerning.Money-education for only those who already have money, or the counter of it. And I think that should be the one of the main concerns of this country. In conclusion, the main reason is our own countrys lack of financial literacy education. Resources https//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Financial_literacy , http//www. investopedia. com/terms/f/financial-literacy. asp ,http//www. ra ndelltiongson. com/? s=financial+literacy+in+the+philippines , http//www. getsmarteraboutmoney. ca/en/managing-your-money/planning/investing-basics/Pages/what-is-financial-literacy. aspx.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Simulation of Personal Emotion Experience

Reeves & NAS (1996) showed that humans similar to communicate with computers as they do with people. Softw ar applications which include arche pillowcases of frantic wait ones ar needed to model the social and emotional aspects of human-machine inter bodily process. Ex consorting classic AAA and logic by adding simulated emotions jackpot buoy be useful to improve the users experience in many counselings. This chapter exit provide a brief all e trulyplaceview of existing solutions and models used for contrived emotions (AWE) and present a novel model of emotion simulation ( unidirectional).Empirical data volition be reported on its performance, especially the occurrence of emotions, in a game environment. This chapter concludes with a comment on the usefulness of separating AAA and AWE engendering late(a) advances in cognitive neuroscience. 2. Models for artificial emotions 2. 1 Historical roots The ass saw what might have been the first debate nigh emotions and artifici al intelligence. The main and as we know now most important point was that purely cognitive systems lacked emotions, which strongly influence human thought processes.. Two of the models that emerged at that time will be draw here.Simonys interrupt system Herbert Simon was the first to propose that emotions should be part of a model of cognitive processes (Simon, 1967). His intention was to provide a metaphysical inundation for a system incorporating emotions and multiple goals. Within this system, important processes could be interrupted so that to a greater extent attention went into satisfying important needs (e. G. Hunger, safety). Herbert Simon imagined devil parallel systems, one designed to achieve goals (cognition, planning) and one observing the environment for events that require immediate attention (emotions).Indeed, the possibility of interrupting current cognitive processes is 2 digit of the book (Header position 1,5) vital for survival, as it makes it possible to react to threats, and also to pay to a greater extent attention to ones surroundings when a threat is expected. Todays Fungus affluent An new(prenominal) step towards a theory for the computer modeling of emotions was made by the psychologist Mason Toad (Toad, 1982) between 1961 and 1980, with a model called the Fungus Eater. This model exited in the design of an autonomous robot system and partial implementations.At first, Toad only wanted to create a scenario for a cognitive system that would require concentrating on multiple issues at the same time. In this scenario, the task was collecting as overmuch ore as possible with the help of a mining robot. Operating his robot required energy that could only be gained by collecting a special fungus. Additionally, different Fungus Eaters were competing for the same resources, thus making the scenario more complicated. Toad came to the mop up that in order to survive on their knowledge, these Fungus Eaters would need to have emoti ons and to be partially controlled by them.However, Toad named them urges instead of emotions and on closer examination, it is apparent that nigh of these are actual emotions like joy or anger, succession others are needs, goals or motives (e. G. Hunger). 2. 2 Theoretical approach and recent models There are roughly three areas where emotion models are applied. Artificial emotions (AWE) can be used to improve problem-solving in complex environments, as in the early approaches mentioned above. Emotion models can also be used to test psychological emotion theories in experiments using controlled scenarios.Finally, emotions are essential to make computer characters more believable. Emotion models which compound and express emotions are necessary to make AAA characters more human- like. These models will be the focus of the next sections as they have inspired our own emotional model. The most influential theoretical approach, coco, will be presented in detail, as it is the basis of many computational models of emotion. Then, three interesting recent models are presently described.COCO a theoretical approach to simulate emotions The COCO model by Retort, Color and Collins is an emotion theory base on assessment which was explicitly developed to offer a foundation for artificial emotion systems (Retort, Color, & Collins, 1988). Its authors succeeded as it inspired many modern models and approaches to artificial emotions. The basis of the model is that emotions are reactions to the attri barelyes of objects, to vents or to actions. Note that internal events (like bodily sensations or memories) which are a part of most modern emotion theories are neglected in the COCO approach.Objects, events and actions are evaluated in an estimation process based on particular proposition criteria, and result in multiple emotions of different intensities. Figure 1 gives an overview of the COCO approach. Appraising the aspects of objects requires the cistron to have attitud es (tastes or preferences) in order to decide whether the object is appealing or not. This appraisal process results in either love or hate. Chapter agnomen (Header position 1,5) 3 Fig. 1. The COCO model Events, or rather consequences of events, are appraised by analyzing their impact on the agents goals. This determines the pizzazz of events.The degree of oomph depends on how much closer to or further away from achieving the goal the agent will be subsequently the event. The emotions of Joy and distress are direct results of desirable and inapplicable events, considering the consequences they have for the agent himself. Some emotions, like for example pity, are triggered when processing events that have consequences for other agents. An open issue is whether this appraisal should be based upon the agents own goals or rather the other agents goals. How much should an agent be empathic if another one looses something that is not important to the first agent?In an tone-beginning to solve this issue, abstract goals were introduced (such as for example, not losing property). It eventually became clear that it is very(prenominal) important to keep the goals general and abstract, to avoid having to define too many specific goals. The emotions triggered by re playacting to other agents cracking or bad fortune depend on how well-liked they are. Another agents bad fortune can trigger pity or gloating, while happy events can result in either hint of happiness or of resentment, depending on the relationship between the agents.Appraising an event also factor evaluating its prospects hoping or fearing that something will or will not occur. Prospect-based emotions include disappointment and relief. The intensity of these emotions is usually based on the intensity of the preceding hope or fear. The criterion used to appraise the actions of agents is their praiseworthiness, which is based on the agents standards. Generally, praiseworthy actions stool pride and bla meworthy actions cause shame, if the agent himself is the one acting.When the actions of other agents are 4 appraised, the emotions triggered are admiration or reproach. Standards can be as complex as attitudes (aspects of objects) and goals (consequences of events), and are almost as subjective and individual. Again, the problem of listing them was understand by describing actions in an abstract way. An interesting phenomenon is the ability of feeling proud or ashamed of someone elses actions. Simply put, the closer an agent feels related to the acting agent(s), the more he will identify with him in appraising is actions.Examples of this phenomenon (called the strength of the cognitive unit) can range from parents macrocosm proud of their child to soccer fans being ashamed of their teams performance. One of the many practical implementations of COCO is the model by Stapler & PETA (1999). They constructed a virtual agent which emotion architecture links trenchant emotions categor ies to 14 action response categories, comprising a large range of individual actions. The COCO emotion model is also part congruent with Nice Frieds re-create theory of emotions (Afraid, 1986). For more details on emotion theory, see Trace & Kessler (2003).Artificial Emotion Engine The aim of the Emotion Engine (E) is to control the look of an artificial agent in complex scenarios. It is made of three layers- emotions, mood and constitution (Wilson, 2000). If an emotion is triggered, the actions will be based on this emotion. When emotions are not triggered, the locomotive bases its actions on the current mood when no mood is activated, then disposition serves as a basis for behavior. The emotion engine is based on the fee model, which is a three- holdingal put, describing personality traits in terms of Extroversion, alarm and Aggression.Within this space, an area around the point representing an artificial agents personality is determined and all traits located internal t his area are considered to be available to the specific character. For Wilson, the FEE is congruent with the three central systems of the human brain which according to Gray (Gray & McLaughlin, 1996) determine behavior the Approach system, the Behavior Inhibition system and the Fight/Flight system. These three basic dimensions are intuitive, which makes programming easy. Different personalities trigger some moods more much than others extroversion s linked to good moods, and fear to damaging moods.Aggression affects the fixity of mood changes. Reward and punishment signals work as the main inputs, and this is comparable with the desirability of events in COCO. Inputs are adjusted based on personality, tho also on how often this input occurred before. An agent can get used to a certain input, and this lowers the impact it will eventually have (habituation). On the contrary, a rare or unprecedented input will have more termination (novelty). Needs are organized hierarchically. Ph ysiological needs, such as hunger, thirst, and the need for warmth and energy are the most important.Each of these needs can become a priority, as when for example a very hungry agent will consider eating as his most important goal. Safety, affiliation and esteem needs are the remaining layers. While physiological needs are the most important, the order of the other layers can vary, depending on what is more important to the agent. Memory is very limited an agent only remembers how much he likes the other agents. In the same way, in COCO, sympathy is used to cause different emotions for liked and disliked entities. Only the six basic emotions of fear, anger, Joy, sadness, disgust and surprise can be triggered.This might appear like a limited selection compared to the 24 emotions of COCO, but devoted the re progressive nature of emotions in this model (working without inner events and 5 triggers) and since some emotion theorists consider the broad spectrum of emotions as mixtures o f these basic emotions, this is quite a sensible choice. Personality is used to adjust the intensity or the frequency of the occurrence of emotions, so that a character with personality that is low in Fear will simply not experience as much fear as The Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) is partially based on COCO, but hat differentiates FLAME from other models is the use of fuzzy logic. This results in a relatively simple appraisal process. FLAME can incorporate multiple emotions at the same time (in a process called emotional filtering), as emotions at times inhibit one another. For example, imagine an agent feeling Joy and pride because he Just fetched a new position, but who at the same time feels anger, because a relative of the boss of the company was given a higher position than himself. At this point, his anger may prevent him from feeling joy any longer.When opposite emotions occur, FLAME lets the stronger emotion inhibit the weaker one(s), bragging (a) a slightly stronger weight to negative emotions. Another way to handle conflicting emotions is through mood, which is determined by comparing the intensities of compulsory and negative emotions over the last few steps. If the summed up intensities of despotic emotions are higher than that of the negative emotions, then the mood will be positive. If a positive and a negative emotion of comparable intensities occur at the same time, the mood determines which of these emotions will inhibit the other one.As there is little re attend about the decay of emotions, FLAME uses a simple constant cay, though positive emotions decay faster than negative emotions. FLAME does not make it possible to implement an agents personality instead, differences in behavior are created through schooling. For example, an agent may learn that reacting in an angry way will enable him to reach his goals, thus enticing him to be more choleric. FLAME implements multiple types of learning, such as classical conditioning (associating expectations with objects) which occurs in many situations, triggering fear or hope.Another type of learning is learning about consequences of actions or events. This is simple whenever an action directly causes a result. For example, learning that eating will result in feeling less hungry is rather trivial. In the case of more complex causal relations over time, FLAME is using Q-learning, a form of reinforcement learning. Another form of learning, quite equal to model learning, is the ability to recognize patterns in the behavior of a user by observing sequences of actions. For this type of learning, FLAME simply counts the occurrences of sequences.The last type of learning in FLAME, but one of the most important, is learning about the measure out of actions. Remember that COCO relies on the praiseworthiness of actions, which is based on the agents standards. In FLAME, these standards are not predefined knowledge, but they are learned from the moveion between users. Using learning instead of predefined knowledge seems like a very sensible way to avoid most of the troubling issues that come with using COCO. Additionally, learning allows agents to adjust, which makes them all the more believable.ALMA The intention in designing A Layered Model of collide with (ALMA) was to control agents in conversational scenarios. In interactive game or learning environments, the artificial harassers display facial expressions of emotions and moods through their postures to 6 appear more believable. Emotions, moods and personalities are implemented and interact with each other. Events and actions are described in terms of abstract tags which are then evaluated during the appraisal process and describe things like for example the expressed emotion or gesture accompanying an action or simply if something is a good or bad event.As ALMA is aimed at conversations, an action is often a statement. Hence, there are tags to describe the kind of statement, for example if it was an insult or a compliment. In addition, ALMA requires defining personality profiles for each agent. Essentially, these profiles already contain the desirability and praiseworthiness the agent assigns to certain tags. Since our own emotion model shares some features with ALMA (see below) a key difference should be pointed out. In simplex we considered it impractical to explicitly specify this information, as this would have limited the model to a small number of agents.So instead of using tags, our model requires to specify goals and their priorities for an agent, where generic goals can be used for all agents. Events still need to be scribed in a special way, but this is reduced too relatively purpose list of which agents goals are affected and in which way. All other information like praiseworthiness is automatically derived from this and the agents personality. Although this approach is providing less control over an agents appraisal process, it is better s uited for a generic system meant to be used with minimal extra effort. 3. simplex Simulation of Personal Emotion Experience 3. Overview SIMPLEX is a context-independent module to create emotions as a result of primary application (environment) events. Goals, emotions, mood-states, personality, memory and relationships between agents have been modeled so they could interact as in real life. Figure 2 shows an overview of the model. SIMPLEX is based on the COCO model by Retort, Color and Collins (1988) in that it creates discrete emotions by appraising events based on the desirability of their consequences and the praiseworthiness of the actions of agents. The appraisal process was modified by including the personality of virtual agents.The personality component is based on the Five factor in Model (FM) introduced by psychologists McCrae & Costa (1987), which includes extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neurotics and openness. The personality module influences the emotio n module on multiple levels during appraisal processes and in the development of mood-states. another(prenominal) important aspects of the model are mood-states and relationships. Mood- states are represented in a three-dimensional space which dimensions are pleasure, arousal and dominance (Bradley & Lang, 1994), and they are based on active or recently experienced emotions (implemented by pull-functions).In the absence of motions, a mood state will slowly gravitate back to a inadvertence mood-state based on the agents personality. A mood-state also functions as a threshold to determine whether an emotion is strong enough to become active at a given time. Relationships are handled as if they were mood-states towards other agents (for instance a player in a game scenario) they are based on emotions caused by other agents and they can be considered as a simplified way to store memories of experiences with these agents.They are used as thresholds as well for example, an agent will be more likely to become angry at another agent towards when their legislation is in the range of negative valence. 7 Fig. 2. The emotion module SIMPLEX Personality (long-term), mood-state (mid-term) and emotions (short-term) thus represent three levels of the emotion module that interact with each other in order to create believable agents. Events from the scenario serve as the models inputs. They are appraised according to the COCO algorithm (see figure 1).This appraisal is influenced by the agents goals, his personality and his relationships with other agents. At the end of an appraisal one or several(prenominal) discrete emotions are generated. These emotions and the current mood-state are represented in the same three- dimensional PAD space on the one hand, the emotion(s) serve(s) as an attractor for the recent mood-state position (pull function). On the other hand, the closer an emotion is located to the current mood-state, the more probable it will be that the emotion will be a ctivated.The speed at which the mood-state changes, is influenced by the agents neurotics (a personality variable). Additionally, emotions that are caused by other agents will influence another mood-state representation (stored on another PAD space) representing the relationship with that agent. Thus, either agent has specific relationships with other agents, which influences his behavior towards others. Emotions, mood-states and relationships with other agents are the outputs of the model and can be used by the AAA application.Originally, the PAD space was designed to represent emotions in a dimensional rather than a discrete way (Russell, 1978). In our model, PAD is used as a common space where three different constructs (discrete COCO emotions, continuous mood- states and personality), are represented in order to be handled together by the SIMPLEX algorithm. An agents current mood-state is thus the result of a mathematical function which takes into account the default mood (defi ned by personality), the pulling behavior of COCO emotion(s) triggered by appraisals, and weighed factors influencing movement speed (see equation 1).Mood-state = f(PADDED, Paternosters, Filter) 8 3. 2 Basic components Mood-state represented in the PAD-Space ( joyfulness-Arousal-Dominance) Beyond discrete emotions, which are typically short-term, mood-states are a powerful way to model emotional shifts and let off affective influences over longer periods of time. To implement mood-states in our model, we chose to use Russell three-dimensional space to describe emotions (Russell, 1978) and Meridians concept of how emotions are linked to personality traits (Meridian, 1996).The dimension of Pleasure encompasses valence ranging from very positive to very negative. Arousal is an indicator of how intensely something is perceived, or of how much it affects the organism. Dominance is a measure of experienced control over the situation. For example, a different degree of dominance can make the difference between fear and anger. Both of these emotions are states of negative valence and sigh arousal, but not feeling in control is what differentiates fear from anger. When an agent is angry, it is because he believes he can have a potential influence.Although emotions are triggered by COCO appraisals and are therefore discrete, they are handled in a continuous three-dimensional space by SIMPLEX. The advantage of treating emotions in this way and not Just as a fixed set of possible emotions is that it makes it possible to represent emotions that do not even have a name. It also creates the possibility to combine emotions, mood-state and personality in one space. First, a ordinate in PAD space can obviously represent an agents mood-state. But emotions and personalities can also be described in terms of Pleasure, Arousal and Dominance time values.For example, the value of arousal can be not only the degree of arousal associated with a specific emotion, but also the restorab ility of a person. Meridian (1996) gives specific names to the resulting different octants in PAD-space and describes the diagonally opposite octants as Exuberant/Bored, Dependent/ Disdainful, Relaxed/Anxious, Docile/Hostile. Thus mood-states are not points but octants of the Bedspread. However, positioning a personality (based on FM) within a PAD-space could have been a rather difficult task, since there is no mathematically- veracious way to make the conversion.Luckily, this transformation can be based upon empirical data. Meridian provided such a conversion table from FM to PAD after correlation analyses of questionnaires measuring both constructs in healthy subjects (Meridian, 1996). Five Factor Model of Personality (FM) The implementation of personality is a key factor when creating believable agents that differ from each other. COCO already offers a few possibilities different goals, tankards and attitudes automatically result in differences during the appraisal process.Howev er, since personality goes beyond preferences, it was necessary to make up ones mind a model of personality that made it possible to adjust the appraisal process, to shift the agents perception and to influence mood-states. The model chosen for SIMPLEX was the Five Factor Model (McCrae & Costa, 1987). After years of research, an agreement emerged that five groups of traits are sufficient to describe a personality. Using self-report questionnaires with multiple items, a personality profile can be provided for each individual scoring high or low in each of he five factors (this approach is called dimensional).In the case of our model, the value for each factor can be typed in when defining the artificial agent. 9 Agreeableness refers to a tendency to cooperate and to compromise, in order to interact with others in an agreeable way. High agreeableness often means having a positive outlook on human nature, assuming people to be good rather than bad. Low agreeableness is essentially sel fishness, putting your own needs above the needs of others and not caring about the consequences your actions might have for others. conscientiousness is usually high in people who plan a lot, who think everything through, and who are very tidy or achievers.Extreme cases can appear to be despotic or pedantic. The opposite personality trait includes sloppiness or ignoring ones duties. Extroversion can be a measure of how much people experience positive emotions. An enthusiastic and active person that enjoys company and attention is extroverted, while a quiet individual who needs to spend more time alone is introverted. Neurotics is partly an opposite of Extroversion in being a tendency to experience negative emotions. However, being neurotic also means being more unsanded in general, and reacting emotionally to unimportant events that wouldnt usually trigger a response.Neurotics can be prone to mood swings and tend to be more negative in their interpretation of situations. Low neu rotics means high emotional stability and describes calm people who are not easily upset. Finally, those scoring high on desolation to Experience are creative and curious individuals, interested in art and more in touch with their own emotions than others. Those scoring low on that dimension are conservative persons with few interests, hey prefer straight and simple things rather than fancy ones, and they do not care about art or science.It is suspect that Openness can be influenced by education. 3. 3 Technical implementation The appraisal process and the generation of emotions There are three categories of inputs to the appraisal process of the emotion model consequences of events, actions of agents and objects (see the COCO model in figure 1). The following section will describe the respective mechanisms applied when mapping each type of input to emotions. Each event handled by a character is first adjusted according to the agents rationality.First, the consequences are adjusted based on the agents neurotics. As neurotic people tend to see things more negatively, consequences are rated worse than what they actually are. The factor by which neurotics can reduce the desirability of events is adjustable. Note that all personality traits are in the range -1 1, so that negative neurotics actually makes consequences more positive. In real life, positive people could think it could have been worse. The desirability of events is determined by (predefined) goals during the event appraisal.A goal consists of two aspects relevance O 1 and state of realization O 1, which means to which percentage the goal is already achieved. Afterwards, the praiseworthiness of actions is determined. Basically, the more positive consequences an action has, the more praiseworthy it is considered to be. Sympathy plays a role in this process, as it is added to positive values and subtracted from negative ones. Consequences for self are considered to be more important than consequences for others, which are currently factored in at 50% of their value. 0 After the adjusted values for all consequences have been summed up, unconsciousness is used to obtain the final result, by being scaled and subtracted. Thus the more conscientious an agent is, the harder it will be to commit an action positive enough to be deemed praiseworthy. This applies to both actions of other agents and actions of the agent himself. Agreeableness works the opposite way, but only for the actions of others. This is based on the psychological notion that agreeable people tend to be more forgiving in order to get along with others.Apart from having a different weight, factoring in agreeableness has the same results as active conscientiousness. The remaining factors serving as parameters for the action (responsibility, unexpectedness, publicizes) are averaged and used to scale the result of the above calculations. Finally, as cost is attempted to be derived from consequences for self, it is subtracted , before the mensural praiseworthiness is averaged over the number of consequences or rather the number of affected agents. The resulting value of praiseworthiness is used as the intensity for admiration or reproach, depending on whether it is positive or negative.If the agent is appraising his own actions, the motions are pride or shame instead of admiration and reproach. Once the praiseworthiness has been calculated, a search is conducted through the list of prospects for all the ones that are active and that match the name of the event. For each, the prospect appraisal function is called, which determines the net desirability by multiplying it with the affected goals relevance. This value will be compared to the expected desirability for this event. The simplest situation is when a positive consequence was expected but a negative one occurs.This would obviously cause disappointment. However, this is also the case if a very high desirability was hoped for and the actual consequen ces are less positive, but still not negative. Having a hope action results in satisfaction. If an event has exactly the expected consequences, it results in the full intensity for the emotion. The intensity of emotions is the product of the determined quality of the event and of the intensity of the prospects. For example, if there was very little hope, there cannot be strong satisfaction. Which emotion is created depends on the kind of prospect and on the sign of the quality value.Hope and positive quality result in satisfaction, hope and negative quality in disappointment, fear and positive quality in fears-confirmed and fear and negative quality in relief. After the prospect appraisal is done, short term or one-shot prospects (only valid for one round) are removed. Appraisal concerning Joy and distress is done for each consequence affecting the agent himself, while appraisal for pity/gloating and happy-for/resentment is done for the remaining consequences.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Usain Bolt

Usain Bolt Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt is arguably the fastest composition in the world, take onning three meretricious medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, and becoming the first man in Olympic history to win both the 100-meter and 200-meter races in record times. Bolt won his fourth Olympic gold medal in the mens 100-meter race at the 2012 summer Olympic Games in London, beating rival Yohan Blake, who took silver. Bolt ran the race in 9. 63 seconds, a new Olympic record, making him the first man in history to set three world records in a single Olympic Games competition. The win marked Bolts second consecutive gold medal in the 100.Bolt went on to compete in the mens 200, claiming his second consecutive gold medal in that race. He is the first man to win both the 100 and 200 at consecutive Olympic Games, as well as the first man to ever win back-to-back gold medals in double sprints. Usain Bolt was born in Jamaica on August 21, 1986. Both a standout cricket imp ostor and a sprinter early on, Bolts natural speed was noticed by coaches at school, As early as age 14, Bolt was wowing fans of sprinting with his lightning speed, and he won his first high school championships medal in 2001, taking the silver in the 200-meter race.Bolt announced that he would run the 100-meter and 200-meter events at the Beijing Summer Olympics. In the 100-meter final, Bolt broke the world record, winning in 9. 69 seconds. Not only was the record set without a favorable wind, but he also visibly slowed down to celebrate before he finished (and his shoelace was untied), an act that aroused much controversy later on. Bolts achievements in sprinting hurt earned him numerous awards, including the IAAF World Athlete of the Year (twice), Track & Field Athlete of the Year and Laureus Sportsman of the Year.

Monday, May 20, 2019

A story About Ghost and Vampires Essay

Life of Pi is a story that is mainly focused on the aspect of survival. Being trapped together with Richard Parker, a Royal Bengal tiger, Pis odds look to have been pulverized to nonhing. Yet as the story progresses, Richard Parker begins to give Pl hope and a reason to survive. Pis will to survive returns If he can survive while living together with a Bengal Tiger, he can survive anything.Although seeming a huge threat to Pl at first, Richard Parker unintentionally takes on the role of ghost and rotects Pl against the vampires that he faces, glvlng him moral support, and thus the will to survive. At the beginning of the story In part two, Pl Immediately faces his first vampire the hyena. Being trapped on a intentboat together with an hurt zebra, an orangutan and a hyena, It quickly becomes evident to Pl who stands at the top of the food chain. It does not take pine before this vampire starts to rejuvenate Itself by feasting on Pls companions.Right when the hyena has repair its gaze on Pi, Richard Parker (the ghost) omes into play and kills Pis first vampire, unintentionally protecting Pi in the process. Though scared at first, Pi learns to deal with Richard Parker over time and eventually even becomes goddamned with his presence. It was Richard Parker who calmed me down. It is the irony of this story that the one who scared me witless to start with was the very same who brought me peace, purpose, I move say even wholeness. Chapter 57, page 204.Richard Parker proves to be Pis motivator again and again throughout the story, especially when Pi encounters his next vampire the Pacific Ocean. The saying the oceanic gives and takes, can be interpreted quite literarily in this book. The ocean has given Pi basic offerings, food and water mainly, but seeps the life force out of him simultaneously with its strong razor sharp winds, bone crushing waves, and scorching sun. The ocean tries to break Pis spirit several times. For example when Pi spots a lading ship , resulting in the slightest of hopes only to have it all taken away again as the ship passes and does not notice him.Richard Parker is in so far again the one thing that keeps Pi going by merely cosmos there and giving Pi moral support In the arkest of times. l love you The words explosion out pure and unfettered, infinite. The feeling fluttered my chest. Truly I do. I love you Richard Parker. If I didnt have you now, I dont know what I would do. I dont think I would make It. No, I wouldnt. I would die of hopelessness. Dont give up, Richard Parker, dont give up. Ill get you to land, I shout out, I promise Chapter 86, Page 294. Even though Richard Parker does not know It, he yet again serves as a tremendous motivator to Pl.Last but not least Pl meets his last vampire in Its purest diversity the algae Island. Pl becomes enchanted with the Island and It almost seems Ilke he falls under some sort of spell or glamour, luring him Inside with Its delicious edible algae and fresh d rinking water. Pl decides to spend his nights on the Island Instead of the boat, yet Is scared that Richard Parker might attack him in his sleep. He therefore decides to sleep In the trees and makes the gruesome denudation that the island feeds on its inhabitants at night.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Ideologies in legally blonde Essay

Legally blonde is a film about Elle Woods a blonde sorority queen who is dumped by her boyfriend, she decides to follow him to legal philosophy school to posit him back and, once there, learns she has more than legal savvy than she ever imagined and is thrown into solving a case in which she will suffice lots of friends and maybe heretofore some enemies. The first thing I nonice is that a special K political theory used throughout the film is stereotypical ideology the main itinerary this is used is through Elles character who is the stereotypical dumb blonde who only cares about fashion, boys and money. This is used to taper how a good deal the character can change by exaggerating all the things that are stereotypical about her for example she loves criticise but to the point where everything about her life is pink like her clothes, her room even what she dresses her dog in. furthermore she is shown to live in Malibu which is believed to be where all the rich famous r aft live so pot will just assume that this is her life style. An separate stereotypical ideology in the film is the way they represent lawyers and the law school they show them as being boring people who just damp suits and all come from wealthy backgrounds. Another ideology used throughout the film is patriarchal ideology which is the principal that the male is more superior.This is used when they talk about law school being principally men or that when you watch different scenes the majority of the people are men. what is more they use this ideology in the scene when she first talks to Warner after they have both been excepted into Harvard, it is shown that he makes out to be more superior then Elle and doesnt understand how a charwo humankind of her nature was equal to deposit in. Even though this film is based around a female who takes on a grapheme to achieve what she sets out to achieve it is still based around the persuasion that she is doing it all for the male and to actuate a male so that she can become the typical wife figure and tries to show that the womans role of a house wife is just natural. A very important ideology represented in this film is feminist ideology obviously for the reason that this films soul point is to show that a girl can do anything a boy can do. The beginning of the film gives into the idea that women need men to complete them and those men have women completely in control shown being able to manipulate them any way they want. However as the film goes on she is seen becoming more fencesitter and less reliant on the man as she takes the case into her own hands and uses her own acquaintanceto crack the case.The end of the film sends a message that women can be successful without a man and are fully able to achieve whatever they want, even in the least likely circumstances. Furthermore the character of Paulette show that she is a strong independent woman when taking on her ex-husband to get her dog back, however say this she is then seen trying to impress a man throughout the film. The bear ideology is hegemony this is focused on in 2 different ways in the film. Firstly when Elle is talk to her father about going to law school he describes them as being boring, ugly people who are serious this shows that he believes himself to be better than them as he has lots of money and doesnt need to work hard for it. However the other way of showing hegemony is when Vivian is talking to Elle as if she was dim and is very patronizing towards Elle because she believes that Elle is less smart than her and is not capable enough to be in law school and treats her like she is inferior.This is obviously proven wrong when Elle is able to succeed in class and even win a case for her university showing that she is just as important and capable as the other people at Harvard. In conclusion this film is showing both how a woman does not need a man to achieve tasks and that she can be independent but also that a l ot of things women do are to impress guys so that they can live the life they deem as socially acceptable. Although this film is incredibly unrealistic it does show how different groups of people may not be that different at all that that you shouldnt judge a book by its cover or stereotype people because they may surprise you in the end.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Arrow Electronics Case Assignment Essay

arrow was founded in the early 1935 as a retailer of radio equipment. Later the company expanded to sell entertainment products and electronic parts. In 2002 pointers global sales were $7.4 billion. The semiconductors products generated over half of the company revenues. Since then, the company has engaged in determine added services. Value added is used to describe instances where a firm takes a product that may be considered a homogeneous product, with few differences from that of a competitor, and provides potential customers with a feature or add-on that gives it a great sense of value. A value added product can either increase the products cost or value. For example, offering one year of free support on a new computing device would be a value-added feature. Arrow enhanced its products and services before offering the product to customers. The company invested heavily in a sales force and logistics capabilities.Arrow Electronics knew they had to pay close attention to ope rations. The company knew the goals of the presidential term and developed a clear vision of exactly how operations allow help achieve them. It entangled translating the goals into implications for the operations performance, objectives, quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost especially at their distribution pumps. Management knew inventories be considered an burning(prenominal) asset and are critical for business success. Arrow used a lot of engineering and register data at Arrow were extremely accurate. In order to keep schedule data accurate, Arrow invested heavily in information engineering. The store tracking technology resulted in a better git line and a more profitable business. Effective account charge augmented by technology helped Arrow keep track of inventory, streamline ordering and track items through out(a) the products sales cycle.The three information systems they used were the sales desktop, the mainframe system, and the WMS. The system sales desktop allowed the sales representatives to sop up the products information, cost, and their buying patterns. The mainframe system maintained the customer inventory, orders and the logic for sales order processing. The system acted homogeneous a repository of all data and converted the orders received from thesales desktop. The mainframe system was the sum of currency operating system. The system was impeccable in its ability to track inventory at detailed levels. as luck would energise it Arrows approach to inventory accuracy is not excessive because the system actually saves them money on their inventory management. size up management software helped Arrow automate processes and better manage systems to encumber losses from hidden costs. Because Arrows major systems were develop in house, they are going to train difficulty using commercial software if their software own issues. Arrow Electronics purchased the company shoot Semiconductor. double birdie traditional stra tegy of operating several regional warehouses and moving the inventory into Arrows primary distribution center was a business decision that needed to be made by Betty Jane Scheihing, Senior Vice chairman of Worldwide Operations at Arrow Electronics. The warehouses performance, customer complaints, and inventory management were bad. Scheihing should explain to management and Eagles centers When inventory inaccuracy occurs, inventory management associates should address the issue in a way to slew the risk of bad performance in the centers. They should request an immediate recount, adjusting the inventory records accordingly. The management associates should evaluate their options in terms of shipping cost, delivery date and cartridge holder, and the urgency. Companies like Arrow depend heavily on inventory accuracy to operate or fill guest orders. Inventory is the major company asset that assist with tasks such as planning. Thus safekeeping accurate inventory records as a major ma nagement tool has multiple benefits.When accurate inventory records are kept, the data tells whether you can take on client requests or particular projects with the inventory on hand. Arrow can get a sense of when they will need to order new items. Arrow also can review the inventory records to identify inventory trends over time and make some basic predictions about inventory that might run out faster than usual. All of these elements esteem they can plan and strategize. This is critical to developing and maintaining relationships. Good inventory records mean that when customers call or write with inventory-related questions, they can find the answer quickly. A fast response time usually elbow room the customer gets a better impression of the company. When they know exactly what inventory they have and where it is stored, they can retrieve it promptly and fill customer orders efficiently. The ability to deal with inquiries and fill ordersquickly means the company is able to serve more customers and move more inventory through the company, resulting in high profit. If customers have to wait for responses or products, they may cancel orders and go to other companies.Inventory inaccuracy could possibly have a significant impact on the Arrows performance. Inventory inaccuracy increases the time spent on the inventory management process. Additional time in multiple departments is spent on researching discrepancies, correcting systems data, and communicating concerns. Inventory inaccuracy impacts the organizations financial performance in terms of the cost of goods sold. Increased costs are the result of expediting shipping, additional labor, and loss of production. Arrow had inventory inaccuracies when they gave low level warehouse operators the function of conclusion and correcting inventory errors. Having a group of people with inadequate training and experience count and adjust inventory was a little advanced for their pay grade.Arrow should of made sure w ho had control over change inventory. This is especially true in manufacturing operations where the priorities of machine operators and production supervisors are meeting the production schedule, keeping the machines running, and ensuring the quality of the product being produced. Inventory accuracy should never be a primary responsibility of those types of positions. Once Arrow came to this realization, it was easy to see the benefits of putting inventory and material handling responsibilities in the turn over of people whose primary job is auditing and oversight. Overall Arrow Electronics Operational Execution was great. They invested heavily in technology to manage their operations.