Friday, May 31, 2019

Comparison Of Mail Communications Essay example -- essays research pap

New technologies have always allowed us to do things faster, moreefficiently, and more professionally than ever before. Generally, everynew technology is a step forward for speed and productivity. But,despite this paradigm, the coming of the latest mail communicationsinnovation has brought many pros and cons with the package. Electronicmail could be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but there atomic number 18 manywho find flaws in it. We are now going to take a moment to compare thespeed, ease, reliability, and outlay of electronic mail with ourgeneral postal system.The speed of transfer is an important part of the decision to send mailby either protocol. E-mail has a distinct advantage in this category. With the click of a button, your message will be received in a period of5 to 30 seconds. Whether you are sending e-mail to a person across thestreet or in Afghanistan, the transfer rate is virtually the same. Also, data files and computer applications can be sent via e-mailh owever, large files will slow upload & download time even though theyare sent in seconds. Unfortunately, physical packages such as gifts ormagazines cannot be attached to e-mail. On the other side of thespectrum, the postal service can send any kind of physical package, froma magazine to a pool table, for a price proportional to its size. Thepostal service can also transfer data if it is placed on a disk or aCD-ROM. Speed, howe...

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