Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Problems in Australian Society :: australia

Australia Still the Lucky Country?Fire, flood, drought & cyclones. These are just some of the natural disasters that the so called, Lucky Country, Australia endures every year. And, with 5% of Australias population living overseas, we are beginning to question if Australia really is the lucky country. ITS true, that Australians are luckier than people from most other countries in the world, notwithstanding are we really living in THE lucky country? Is there even really a lucky country at all? erst a dumping ground for criminals and never-do-goods during World state of war II. Australia became a home for almost seven million immigrants, many of them British people who sought a new start over in a sunny country with a hopeful future.Australia was once a dumping ground for criminals and never-do-goods during World War II.Now, Australias luck may have run start. Australia has had many different sorts of problems throughout the recent years, asTwenty years ago, the lawful Australian e mployee was withal busy to worry about the happenings of parliament. Numerous people waited until Bob Hawke became vizor Minister, after only two years in parliament. The politically naive voted for this regular bloke who understood real Australians and he spoke like one to. His fair dinkum accent was his greatest asset.As soon as he became Prime Minister this courageous, fair minded, man for the nations citizens turned into a wimpy, deceitful man, who had lost touch with his fellow Australians and walked the same direction as his forerunners.The Howard regime was not much improved it improved the economy, but had a terrible record on human rights issues. Its only actual triumph had been to reconstitute the indirect tax system and to boost the reserve banks independence. Then there are natural disasters over the years, Australia has experienced more than bounteous natural disasters. Drought is without doubt one of the most complex troubles that Australia must deal with. Due to t he fact that Australia has an enormous area of desert, and very low yearbook rainfall, the country is very dry.Fire is another problem within Australia. They are among the natural disasters that cause the greatest loss of both humans and material. The fires break out for many different reasons, but one of the main causes is the dry air, that throughout summer, blows from the deserts to the coast. Another cause is during droughts, there is a lot of dry land, the hotness from the sun can cause fires.

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