Monday, May 20, 2019

A story About Ghost and Vampires Essay

Life of Pi is a story that is mainly focused on the aspect of survival. Being trapped together with Richard Parker, a Royal Bengal tiger, Pis odds look to have been pulverized to nonhing. Yet as the story progresses, Richard Parker begins to give Pl hope and a reason to survive. Pis will to survive returns If he can survive while living together with a Bengal Tiger, he can survive anything.Although seeming a huge threat to Pl at first, Richard Parker unintentionally takes on the role of ghost and rotects Pl against the vampires that he faces, glvlng him moral support, and thus the will to survive. At the beginning of the story In part two, Pl Immediately faces his first vampire the hyena. Being trapped on a intentboat together with an hurt zebra, an orangutan and a hyena, It quickly becomes evident to Pl who stands at the top of the food chain. It does not take pine before this vampire starts to rejuvenate Itself by feasting on Pls companions.Right when the hyena has repair its gaze on Pi, Richard Parker (the ghost) omes into play and kills Pis first vampire, unintentionally protecting Pi in the process. Though scared at first, Pi learns to deal with Richard Parker over time and eventually even becomes goddamned with his presence. It was Richard Parker who calmed me down. It is the irony of this story that the one who scared me witless to start with was the very same who brought me peace, purpose, I move say even wholeness. Chapter 57, page 204.Richard Parker proves to be Pis motivator again and again throughout the story, especially when Pi encounters his next vampire the Pacific Ocean. The saying the oceanic gives and takes, can be interpreted quite literarily in this book. The ocean has given Pi basic offerings, food and water mainly, but seeps the life force out of him simultaneously with its strong razor sharp winds, bone crushing waves, and scorching sun. The ocean tries to break Pis spirit several times. For example when Pi spots a lading ship , resulting in the slightest of hopes only to have it all taken away again as the ship passes and does not notice him.Richard Parker is in so far again the one thing that keeps Pi going by merely cosmos there and giving Pi moral support In the arkest of times. l love you The words explosion out pure and unfettered, infinite. The feeling fluttered my chest. Truly I do. I love you Richard Parker. If I didnt have you now, I dont know what I would do. I dont think I would make It. No, I wouldnt. I would die of hopelessness. Dont give up, Richard Parker, dont give up. Ill get you to land, I shout out, I promise Chapter 86, Page 294. Even though Richard Parker does not know It, he yet again serves as a tremendous motivator to Pl.Last but not least Pl meets his last vampire in Its purest diversity the algae Island. Pl becomes enchanted with the Island and It almost seems Ilke he falls under some sort of spell or glamour, luring him Inside with Its delicious edible algae and fresh d rinking water. Pl decides to spend his nights on the Island Instead of the boat, yet Is scared that Richard Parker might attack him in his sleep. He therefore decides to sleep In the trees and makes the gruesome denudation that the island feeds on its inhabitants at night.

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