Saturday, October 12, 2019

Animal Farm Book Report :: Animal Farm Essays

Animal Farm Book Report Plot This is a book that takes a look, from a satirical point of view, at the rise and excesses of communism in the former Soviet Union. Written from the point of view of animals in a farm, it starts with the 'vision' of a boar, Old Major, who dreams of a time when all animals are free from domination from humans and are equals. Eventually, the animals revolt, driving out the farmer and setting up their own society. However, from the start, things slowly start to go wrong. The pigs set themselves up as leaders ('first among equals') and began to 'allocate work' to the rest of the animals. The Commandments set up just after the revolution began to be distorted and all questions on the leadership of the pigs or the commands handed down are swiftly deflected by their spokesperson. The parallels to the rise of Communism are obvious in this book. People who know something about the history of Communism will have no problems figuring out who represents Karl Marx, Stalin, the KGB, etc. However, even if you don't, or are not interested in finding parallels to Communism, the book is still an entertaining book to read. The gradual erosion of the initial ideals of the animal society, the rise to power of the pigs (unopposed by the other animals), and the eventual horror as the animals realize they have replaced one master with yet another are well written in this book. Characters Old Major Old Major is the wise old pig whose stirring speech to the animals helps set the Rebellion in motion- though he dies before it actually begins. His role compares with that of Karl Marx, whose ideas set the Communist Revolution in motion. Napoleon is a "large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, not much of a talker, but with a reputation for getting his own way." And so he does. Instead of debating with Snowball, he sets his dogs on him and continues to increase his personal power and privileges from that time on. What counts for him is power, not ideas. Note his name: think of the other Napoleon (Bonaparte) who took over the French Revolution and turned it into a personal Empire. Napoleon's character also suggests that of Stalin and other dictators as well. Snowball Snowball is an energetic, brilliant leader.

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