Sunday, October 6, 2019

Strategic Analysis of Intel Corporation Case Study

Strategic Analysis of Intel Corporation - Case Study Example The report makes five forces analysis to judge the extent of market study done in the company. A SWOT analysis of the company as it stands today after its highs and lows and the strengths of the competition are all analyzed. In addition to this, the BCG matrix is prepared to study the extent to which the products have been capitalized by the company. And in what manner the company could further capitalize on their products. Further to the analysis, the extent to which all the stake holders in the company have been taken into account in every one of their decisions is also verified. It has been found that though most of the requirements have been taken care of in the strategy that has been adopted by the company, there are certain inadequacies too. These have been identified and are also listed in the report given below. The major conclusions drawn in the course of this study indicates that strategy does work and that there should be an objective even if a certain amount of vagueness comes into fore during execution and might necessitate changes in the course of the work. Delight our customers, employees, and shareholders by relentlessly delivering the platform and technology advancements that become essential to the way we work and live. - Intel Corporation, Mission Statement (Intel, 2007). Intel says, delight is highe... True to the statement, the company has heralded some of the best and the latest products for the world to live with. 3.2 Business Objectives The company's business objectives can be listed as below (Intel 2007): Extend our silicon technology and manufacturing leadership Deliver unrivaled microprocessors and platforms Grow profitability worldwide Excel in customer orientation The company has extended the use of silicon technology by creating microprocessors that are trendsetters. They have kept with their business objectives worldwide and have profitability too. Customer orientation is another major area that they are working on. 3.3 Analysis The structure of operation in Intel is not very rigid. It is a structure that gives liberty to the people's innovation. This is more like what is common with small companies. However, as Andrew Groove (1999), its CMD, says, "The Company can literally turn on its heels". This is made possibly only if the involvement of the people in innovation is matched with the large extent of understanding of the operational requirements of the company. One, the structure supports innovation; two, the Company because of its need to match customer requirements, has ensured that the innovative structure would help in positioning itself as customer centric. Both these factors have added to the profitability of the company as well. 3.4 Product and market Share The major products of Intel and their market share is given in table 1. S No Products Intel Competitor 1 Microprocessors 80.2% 11.1% (AMD) 2 Chipsets 57% 15% (Via Tech) 3 Motherboards 30% 22% (ATI) 4 Desktop NA 5 Laptop NA * (Tom Krizot 2006, Anton Shilov 2006) Figure 1: Products by the company Though as a product Intel's laptops and desktops might not be doing brisk business, their

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