Friday, October 18, 2019

Explore significant differences from Western models of consumer Essay

Explore significant differences from Western models of consumer behaviour in different parts of the world - Essay Example Companies have models in marketing and research in Western sales markets designed to identify or predict responses and involvement level based on their characteristics unique to specific target markets. What separates Western views of consumer behaviour from regionalized marketing strategy is the quantity of research information provided on consumer lifestyle in the U.S. and United Kingdom (as two examples) versus resource restrictions in the international community on market characteristics and homogeneity. Additionally, the approach to Western consumers is one in which the business must have flexibility and adaptability in areas of production and procurement in order to find sales success. This means oftentimes restructuring the organisation to support new product development or rapid innovation, however largely driven by external consumer behavioural characteristics. Foreign marketers are often limited through resource allocation concerns or simply do not have enough localized market knowledge to proceed with effective marketing strategies. The Western model of consumer behaviour is rather generic when compared to international models, especially in terms of use of the positioning map and the five stage involvement model running from problem recognition through supplier selection. Basic human behavioural traits act as the foundation for these models common throughout the world, thus rather standardized. Based on segment preferences, either demographic, geographic or psychographic related to lifestyle or attitude, Western models identify the consequences of decision-making, based on certain environmental conditioning scenarios or social influence, and predict buying trends using modified or standardized version of the selection and purchase processes. However, Martin-Consuegra, Molina & Esteban (2008) identify a key difference in Western consumer behaviour models related to market orientation. A

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