Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Modern Technology and Artificial Intelligence essays

Modern Technology and Artificial Intelligence essays In our society today, advanced technology robots are hardly ever seen in the entertainment market. Robots that can perform tricks like AIBO are far too expensive to be brought out into stores. Lots of people don't even know about advanced technology entertainment robots. Most robots today, are used in either high-risk jobs, like deep-sea exploration, radioactive laboratories, satellites, and they are used in hot, dangerous environments. "Guided missiles and drones are also a class of robots," said Lawrence Kamm, a Consulting Electro-Mechanical Engineer. Robots are also used in monotonous jobs. They are used for manufacturing machines like spot welders, arc welders, and paint sprayers. Robots are automatic electro-mechanical machines. Most robots are not fully automatic because a human is remotely controlling them using a TV or any other device to get feedback from the robot. Some other devices used to send feedback are radio signals, sonar, optical fiber, and sensors. Powerful computers with Artificial Intelligence programs control robots that are fully automatic. Robots are taught to perform repetitive tasks. Intelligent robots incorporate the other disciplines of Artificial Intelligence like a human sensory simulation for touch, sight, and hearing. Our future will have a place for robots. Some radicals believe that robots will eventually take over our planet. "Fifty years, tops until the robots exceed us," says Hans Moravec, director of Carnegie Mellon's Mobile Robot Lab. "When you compare the evolution of mental abilities in animals to similar abilities in machines, robot evolution is going about 10 million times faster." The director of Survival Research Laboratories, Mark Pauline, speculates that the intelligent robots of the future may eradicate most humans. Those two men are perfect examples of radicals. The other groups of people believe that robots will be used to complete out everyday jobs. Every day people are thin...

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